Yours ch.74

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A/n I do not mean to offend anyone in anyway by this chapter so don't come for me please
Once they got Tk to the hospital the nurses took him back to assess his injuries warm him up Owen didn't wanna let go of Tk but they wouldn't let him go with him the rest of the team had to go back on shift but they said they would stop by later

But it would be good due to the events that happens next when Owen saw Alex walk through the door Owen immediately grabbed his sweatshirt and took him outside

" fucking prick ." Owen said punching Alex against the wall. " do you think hurting my son is funny ?" Owen said hitting him once again as Alex's nose started bleeding "I never touched him !" Alex said as Owen held him against the wall " how come everyday he came to work he looked like shit he had unexplainable bruises all over ?"! Owen yelled
"Cause you son is Drug attic he's a fucking crazy ass!" Alex said as Owen hit him in the balls " don't ever call Him that again . " your lucky I'm not smashing your face in right now and Tk is the only reason I'm not ." Owen said tightening his hand around Alex neck " you have some nerve showing up here after Tk and his fiancé almost just died and you show up here what ? To make it worse ." Owen
said " I'm surprised that fucking whore is getting married the guy must be stupid ." Alex said Owen couldn't contain his rage any longer Owen held alex against the wall taking his hand and punching alex in the nose this made Alex panic " fuck you .. you know what your gonna do ." Owen said gripping his neck tighter " your gonna get a plain ticket for the first flight out of Austin and your never gonna come back here understood ?" Owen said Alex shook his head " and so help me god you even look at my son again I will fucking Kill you ." Owen said letting go of him
Owen headed back inside to wait for Tk and Carlos to be done the nurse called him back so that way he could see Carlos Carlos was just getting his cuts and bruises treated so he didn't have to wait or stay overnight but Owen came in to see Carlos getting his jacket back on " knock knock." Owen said coming in " Owen hey is Tk okay they won't tell me .." Carlos said Owen pulled Carlos into a hug " he's alive there's treating him right now how are you doing ." Owen said rubbing Carlos back " I'm okay nothing major ." Carlos said " good I'm glad ." Owen said " you guys scared me back there you know ." Owen said looking at Carlos "Owen I really tried to help him I didn't wanna Lea-" Owen couldn't believe Carlos thought he was only talking about Tk " Carlos you to I don't know what I would do if I lost you I care about you kid." Owen said rubbing Carlos shoulder

The nurse knocked on the door " Tk can be seen now He's asleep but if you wanna sit and wait for him to wake up .." the nurse said " go see your boy I'm gonna go wash this blood of my hands ... maybe get a coffee ." Owen said " who did you try to kill ." Carlos joked "that Alex prick but he's alive unfortunately." Owen said making Carlos laugh slightly but also concerned

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