Claim ch.58

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Tk came in from a long hectic shift to say the least all he wanted to do was lay down in his own bed instead on taking 20 minute breaks back and forth with Nancy sleeping in the ambulance since Mateo blew up the bunk room which again to say the least

Tk came upstairs looking in there room to not see Carlos which disappointed tk he really wanted to see Carlos after a long 42 hour shift that's what he really needed was to see Carlos to soak in his embrace he opened the bathroom door seeing the man he loved resting in the bathtub listening to some Spanish music on low volume "well aren't you a sight for sore eyes .." tk said as Carlos turned his head to see tk standing in the doorway

"Care to join me ." Carlos said smiling lightly at
tk he really would but it was a long day he believed that he would be better just to get some rest before his next 24 hour shift which was in 9 hours "tempting but I think I'm just gonna go lie down ." Tk said giving Carlos as kiss on the cheek

"Please 20 minutes I wanna hear all about your day .." Carlos said he knew what he was doing all he had to do was pull out the eyes typically referred to as the Carlos cow eyes named by tk "ugh I hate when you do this." Tk said giving in it worked every time Carlos had this trick locked and loaded

Tk removed his uniform then his underwear getting into the tub sitting between the older man by 8 months legs his body did feel relaxed now that it had hit the warm water but relaxed his muscles he rested his head back on Carlos's shoulder as Carlos worker his arms under tks around his stomach

" so how was your day ?" Carlos said to tk he expected a simple answer but when tk came out with " I almost cut a dudes nuts off ." Tk laughed Carlos didn't know how to take that really but tk seemed happy about it so he was happy about to "should I be worried about mine ." Carlos laughed " if you screw up you should ." Tk said he didn't think Carlos would take it so seriously " I'm joking I'm joking you're fine ." Tk laughed

"Okay phew ." Carlos said with a breath of relief Carlos started to kiss around tks neck focusing on one spot before tk slapped him " what was that for ?" Carlos said " I'm not getting teased again ." Tk remarked last time Carlos gave tk a hickey he couldn't live it off until it went away in a firehouse you do something stupid or you have sex and have a mark left from It your bound to get teased there really is no such thing as privacy " by who ?" Carlos said " the idiots I work with that I call my friends ." Tk laughed as he played with his 252 chain " so what they can't know your mine." Carlos said rubbing his hand they tks hair leaving It nice and damp "unless you want my dad knowing our sex life ." Tk laughed the 126 new about their relationship and they quickly added Carlos to the friend group they all even had a group chat

"Okay never mind ." Carlos quickly said not wanting tks dad to know about their sex life "claim me on our days off ." Tk said kissing Carlos's cheek " will do ." Carlos said

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