Firefighter ch.43

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I woke up looking beside me for tk but go only find a empty spot I grabbed my crutches and got out of bed

I hobbled into the living room seeing tk cuddled up on the couch with a blanket

I enjoyed the sight of him sleeping peacefully before deciding to make breakfast

I got out the ingredients for my famous pancakes

I mixed it all together starting up the stove when tk Yawn lifting his head from the couch

"Morning sleepyhead" I said looking back at him

"What are you doing ." Tk said shaking his head as he sat down at the counter with a blanket

"Making breakfast ."

"On the stove when your on crutches and your going to set yourself on fire ." Tk said

" that why my boyfriend is a firefighter ."I smiled back at him as he gave me a little grin

"Right." Tk mumbled

"Why'd you sleep on the couch anyways ?" I said putting the pancakes on plate

" I came back from brushing my teeth and you were spread across the whole bed I didn't wanna move you you looked peaceful." Tk said

"Thank you ." Tk said as I slid him a plate with a pancake on it

"No problem." I said kissing him on the head

"Tip of advice when the doctor says limited exertion I thing that means he doesn't want you hobbling around the house." Tk laughed

"You've done worse ." I joked ruffling his hair

"Okay maybe ." He laughed

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