Awful Suits and Bad Tempers

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Platform 13 | 08:38am

It just so happens that being late to an interview was among the top three worst moments to endure on the face of the earth. Exaggerative, of course: standing firmly between your date slipping out the side door after saying they're off to the toilet mid-date and standing on dog shit down the local park, it slotted right down the middle. The middle of the worst.

This was accompanied by the expected dread upon the realisation that's you jobless for the next light year. The market wasn't so acquainted to faces that harboured terribly pissed off eyes, per say. Something about customer importance?

Now, in fairness and having said that, Amelia picked at the informal green jumper she wore.

Her stern eyes fixed onto the concrete floor and the shoes of those that hurried along it to reach their trains. She wished they too would miss their trains in order to feel less sorry for herself.

This only became apparent as an unfair wish, yet a slightly comical one when a suited man grabbed the attention of the whole continent. By the harsh yell of blasphemy and the kick of a scuffed boot onto the ancient stone wall that would've sighed at him if anyone allowed it personification.

Her eyes met his with a frown, followed by him turning his back and scoffing further, mumbling unnecessary profanities with a shake of the head as if such would make his apparent but unknown mistake drastically better. Amelia could only mentally critique him further, watching intently as he crouched down and pressed his fingertips together, breathing slow and long in attempts to relieve the obvious anger that seethed further into him everytime he caught eyes with her.

It was funny watching someone else have a bad time.

If Amelia had grip on any decency she would've minded her own business, maybe bought a newspaper that hosted the title of another scandal revolving the current climate or something she couldn't find the interest to care for. Nonetheless, she didn't have decency, and the man was her viewing for the following few hours till the next train arrived.

Or so she assumed.

It was difficult to suppress a laugh when he had booted the wall once more, sending everyone in the proximity into an awkward silence, exchanging looks that spoke questions to one another.

The culprit turned as did everyone else, back to their newspapers or books. One woman even took to reading the nutrients that were packed into her cereal bar. A joke.

What was a random bloke gonna do?

Amelia was left the only one looking towards this man with a comical confusion that seemed just enough to set him off again. He widened his eyes with a stiff shrug of the shoulders and a slight shake of the head in a way that questioned why she was looking at him in the first place.

She only ignored him. Instead, mentally playing a riveting pass-time game that involved guessing names before knowing them. On this episode: angry station man.

He looked like a Jacob, possibly an Alex from the hair — could also well be a John due to the anger. Unfortunately, the game and her thoughts were interrupted when she caught eye with him walking over to the empty row of benches she sat on. Lovely.

He didn't waste time in getting himself comfortable, tossing his briefcase onto the seat next to her and sitting himself down with a sigh on the next seat along. He'd created a suitable briefcase barrier between the two and continued to side-eye her multiple times before he had stretched back, extending his legs out and throwing his head limp with another dramatic sigh.

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