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Downtown London | 17:07pm

Downtown London did not quite hold to the expectations Amelia had built it up to, another unreasonable reason to dislike the city? Check. She had entirely imagined flawless structural design and fancy looking people that spoke like the Queen or Suggs from Madness.

Alas, no. London was filled with everything lovely like dogging carparks, litter, half-used needles in dodgy alleyways. Also people like Damon who looked your way for one second before turning to their partner and indefinitely talking shit, not even trying to hide their wrongs.

Manchester wasn't like this, even the junkies were decent people who could have a
laugh meanwhile everyone here just took themselves very serious it seemed. It was actually funny to an extent, especially when Amelia had received the cold-shoulder from Damon upon trying to annoy some stuck-up group of old people at the traffic lights.

She had spent her whole day in Damon's new office, feet kicked up on his desk while he frantically ran around trying to layout a schedule of publishments. She'd never imagined someone like him to care so much about a shitty 9-to-5 but Damon insisted it was more than that.
It definitely wasn't.

Amelia considered mentioning he should've been a motivational speaker instead while he went on about how much this job means to him, I mean fuck, he was only filing documents away and writing up shitty articles he also needed to calm down.

"Hope you know, if I get this job then I'm not doing that shite." She nodded to the filing cabinet and Damon scoffed, shoving her feet off the desk and sliding past her to place some other papers in the drawer next to her. "I'll maybe make you a cuppa in the mornin' that'll be all, I'm just here to look pretty."

"You? Pretty? Nah." Damon replied absently as his gaze fixed upon the pile of papers he had yet to tackle. He also received a swat to the head from a rolled up newspaper.

It was true. Damon didn't find her attractive, he'd reckoned the accent had ruined it for him. If she was from the South he might've found her an inch good-looking but she wasn't, she was from Manchester and Damon didn't believe anything good came from Manchester. His closed minded brain sought out for woman only within a 10 mile radius, that way they were intellectual too. Amelia dropped out of university, Damon didn't. He'd formed a pattern in his head by now.

"How long you in London for?" He asked, ignoring her choleric look.

"A week." She mumbled.

"A week? What, then you'll fuck off back up North?" Damon sat himself down in the chair opposite her, kicking both his legs onto the desk and holding his hands behind his head. He'd closed his eyes and tilted his head back as if he were imagining he was anywhere else but here while Amelia began to draw on his exposed ankle.

"No you twat I'll fuck off to Narnia, I've a job here don't I? I'm moving here." She had managed to write her name before he had kicked her arm away and sat up with a pained look.

Damon, in general, looked like shit. He hadn't stopped to sit down since they'd sat against the wall this morning and it was taking a toll on him.

Between the stress of incoming rent, his job and life in general not going his way - he hadn't taken any moment for himself. Recent days he'd been smoking more green than usual and Jamie was nipping his head off about getting money in to secure the month, easy for him to say wasn't it? He could stick a leaf to a canvas and sell it for a grand while Damon actually had to work for his money and it didn't come easy, nor quick.

He'd thought many-a-time about just packing his shit and taking off, leaving Jamie with all the expenses. If they could do it in the films, it was possible in real life, that was the logic behind that one. Yet, of course it didn't work and the idea was brushed away when Jamie had laughed in his face and called him a tosser, mentioning that Damon still owed him that £35 from when he'd bought a random girl drinks on Jamies tab. He didn't even get a shag that night, the money wasn't even worth it.

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