Angst and Confusion

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Burnage, Manchester | 17:31pm

You know that old chestnut, 'if in doubt, go fucking home'. Yeah, neither, but it was the plan Amelia had hatched spontaneously a day after Damon had began ignoring her. He wasn't much in the mood for negotiations and she had taken sick days from work to avoid his glares, eventually ending up in Manchester as a result.

In honesty, she didn't care to see anyone, only her bed that she didn't have to share and her mother she supposed. A strict no Gallagher stay. Well, that was until Noel had tripped on the threshold of her door and taken the heart out of her chest.

"Noel, what the fuck?" She suddenly remembered why she moved away, personal space and properties did not exist when you lived here. "Y'doing?" Her brow dipped in temporary aggravation before Noel had jumped, clasping a hand over his heart in fright.

"Fuck sake, Amelia." His expression returned to its usual sombre frown. "What're you doing here?"

"Look around," She deadpanned. "You're in my house, my room. That'll maybe be why I'm sat on my fuckin' bed."

Noel looked a twat with his guitar strapped to his shoulder, he was too short to be swaggering around like some big cunt but when did that ever stop him? He dropped it, sitting on the bed next to her and offering a cigarette to which she scoffed. "Everyone's so predictable, it pisses
me off."

"What's the story then." He fell back onto the mattress, puffing a cloud of smoke into the air. "Y'don't come back to this shithole for nothin', do you?"

She rolled her eyes at his obviousness, eyeing the walls of her room. Nothing had changed since she left, the floors still littered with Liam's clothes and miscellaneous. She rejected the question to herself if he still stayed here or not. Liam was the last person she wanted to see. Knowing her current luck though she wouldn't be half surprised if he had wandered into the room exactly like his brother had. "What was you comin' in here for."

"Liam's weed."

Amelia tutted at his name, deciding there was no point in denying the question. "N' he's still living at mine?" She turned to face Noel who only held out his cigarette for her, sitting up straight and shrugging. "Better fuckin' not be, lying git."

"I 'aven't seen him in a bit." He rubbed his face. "Said he was away to Newcastle for summat."

"For a bird." She muttered, taking a drag.

"Fuck knows."

Amelia got along with Noel for many reasons, one of those being that he didn't take any shit and said it how it was, much like herself.

She reckoned she had picked it up from him,
the attitude, expressions, glares, all from Noel who she had subconsciously mimicked growing up. For the sake of a six year age difference, it made a vast difference between him, Liam and her. Noel was the parent when Peggy had left, he bought the alcohol for a charge, pointed the right way for dealers. He was minted at the time, but Amelia grew up and realised he was just a miserable fuck.

"I'm only back 'cos the bloke I'm living with is in a piss." Her gaze fixed on him.

"The posh one?" He jeered, stamping his foot on hers to pass the cigarette back. "What've you done."

She laughed, looking to the floor and zoning out at the thought of Damon, her mind shooting to the conversation she had with Jamie. "Didn't do owt, he was just temperamental." She passed the cigarette back and stomped twice as hard on his Gazelles. "At least I get to come back n' see mam."

"N' us lot." He coughed.

"Who you n' cuntface? Don't think so."

"Well, not just us. That bird, whats-her-face."
He sat forward and Amelia raised a brow, "Piss off." He held two fingers up to her.

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