Duvets and Hoodies

885 31 6

Waterloo | 21:32pm

Damon's room wasn't half as nice as the rest of the house, it was shit. Like you'd planted a bomb and it had gone off yet, he still seemed to live comfortably in the absolute bog-fucking standard square-box with a bed.

Alright, it wasn't that bad it was just a single room wasn't it? Amelia always did wonder what went through a man's head upon decorating his room, she assumed they didn't automatically prance at the idea of fake plants and tapestries but that's what decorations were. It certainly was a head-scratcher. Maybe they featured a small ten year old football trophy on an uneven shelf and called it a day? Or at least that's what Damon had appeared to have done.

His room had a lot to unpack floor-wise at least. As soon as you set foot in the room you were forced to step over about six pairs of shoes and a wardrobe full of discarded clothes. Jeans still had belts around them and the t-shirts were crumpled so much that they were almost identical to used tissues. Speaking of used tissues, an empty box and scrunched up tissues did lay around the floor amongst the debris of said bomb. Amelia internally cursed at herself for not scribbling a make-do 'typical man (boy) bedroom' bingo card, cum tissues? Tick.

"Fuckin' hell did you get invaded or summat?" She kicked some shoes out of the way, leaning against the doorframe with a rather concerned looking face. Damon shoved his clothes under the bed like a true gentleman. "Smells like you've hot-boxed your room."

She brought a mug of tea to her lip, avoiding his dagger as he continued to kick things out of sight, including the tissues that were picked up and shoved into his pocket faster than the speed of light. Gross.

"Mhm," Jamie appeared from behind her, leaning his arm above her head on the doorframe. "He's a tosser, smokes all our green in one night. Always all cooped up in his bedroom like a depressed teenager." Amelia looked toward Jamie, taking a slight step back so she was closer to him. He noticed and had moved his arm down a tad as they watched over Damon like they were his parents. Mum, a tea in hand and Dad a mocking smile. Happy families!

"Fuck off Jamie," Damon spat with a defeated sigh, looking between the two of them and how close they had gotten. His eyes narrowed and lip pulled up in disgust. "Away and shag, get it out of your systems." Amelia turned to Jamie who was already looking at her, he nodded his head back towards his room with raised brows to wind Damon up.

"Yeah alright." She quirked a brow, testing his seriousness.

"She's got a boyfriend." Damon mumbled to Jamie who looked down at her with a shrug.

"She can have what she wants, nothing he can do if he's a couple hundred miles away, hmm?"
He nudged Amelia, receiving a nod before turning back to Damon with a shrug, raising his hand in an 'oh well' type of way. "We won't be too loud." And at this point he was just looking for a reaction.

Amelia properly caught eyes with Damon, a look between fuck you and please don't plastered behind his blunt expression. It was disgusting that she could read his facial expressions after only a day of bickering and insults. What the fuck was this?

She sighed, frowning at his stare, "Y'know Jamie, I'm proper done in but I know where you are If I wake up feeling a certain way." She placed her hand on his chest briefly, winding Damon up one last time, feeling Jamie vibrate with a chuckle.

"I'll speak to you in the morning." He placed a hand on her shoulder in agreement, backing up and leaving down the hall while Amelia shut the door behind him. She had unintentionally created a somewhat intimate space that she thought about opening again but Damon had instead opened his big mouth.

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