Broken and Shattered

967 23 33

Waterloo | 18:02pm

Damon shared a look with Amelia, as if mentally counting down from three before he had twist the key in the door. The once muffled noises and thumping of a headboard had now been released for the whole block to hear. Jamie was with Grace. Again.

Damon ushered them in, quietly shutting the door behind him and dropping their bags in the hall. Amelia stood with crossed arms, her lips pulled up in slight distaste as she watched him with minimal attention.

She was in a bad mood.

"Full headache, that." She dipped her brows at Damon as he shrugged, following her to Jamie's door where she had banged three times. Her back against the opposite wall, waiting for him to open it in confusion.

"You're boring, we were gonna give them a fright." He pushed her shoulder and she eyed him, attention flicking to the door where Jamie stood looking as dazed as ever.

"Y'right." Amelia glared. "Bit fuckin' loud."

Jamie tutted, leaning against the doorframe in his minimal but modest attire. He looked to Damon who shifted, "Got her back then." A mumble, widening the door. Amelia attempted to peer in at Grace, failing to do so. "Told you."

"Told you what?" She glowered. "Yous been talkin' about me?"

Damon scoffed, walking away to the kitchen and Jamie watched absently. His stubble had filled out and he looked much less tense in the shoulders, maybe his work had been going well. "He hasn't stopped."

"Who've you got?" Amelia nodded to the room and Jamie looked back briefly, crossing his arms over his bare chest. "That the bird with the nice legs? Damon fancies her like." She added and he pulled a face, leaning forward to find Damon shaking his head from the kitchen. "Yes you fuckin' do."

"No I don't." He joined the conversation. "I mean she is pretty." He loudened his voice for Grace to hear and Amelia almost laughed out loud, looking to Jamie with a hand of courtesy in Damons direction.

"You're embarrassing." He mumbled, backing into his room. "Did you tell her about the job?"

Damon widened his eyes to Jamie, hastily sending him a contrasting scorn and shaking his head. He was yet to tell Amelia she had been fired, yet to tell her the reason for her being back was no longer a valid reason, and that he had lied. Amelia raised a brow, hitting at his shoulder lightly and shifting to Jamies side. "What job?"

"Oh fuck this." Jamie croaked a laugh, shutting his door and leaving the two of them alone.

"What job, Damon?" He winced, raising a hand to rub the back of his neck and Amelia took a step closer. "If this is summat bad I swear-" She began but was cut off by his shushing, pulling the two of them into his room and sitting her down on the bed. He wasn't particularly keen on getting something thrown at him or being shoved.

"It's not bad. I can get it back." He spat out in justification before explaining.

Amelia in truth hadn't come back for the job. Though, no one said she wouldn't find a reason to be pissed off he had lied. "What've you done?" She bluntly placed, sitting back in boredom while Damon had began to pace. Never had she met someone as stressed about life.

"Well." He stood still, placing his hands on his hips before sighing out a mental fuck it. "You got fired."

"But you said I'd still had the job." She dropped her shoulders in a deflate. "So you lied, for what? To get me down London." Her voice harsh against his soft tone, sitting up to dead-eye him. Damon shrugged to buy himself time, fidgeting with the plant pot on the window-sill and ignoring her look.

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