Hook and Bite

830 18 27

Downtown London | 13:08pm

The streets were busy on the run-up to Christmas. People rushing in and out of shops, fathers buying lacklustre gifts last-minute, boyfriends scraping what they could. And women, in their dozens, sitting by cafes and catching up over a coffee due to being organised and finished by November.

Although some people slipped up, people like Amelia who traipsed behind Damon, peering into the bags of the people who walked past her. She took his offered hand, arm pulling her to his side in the busy streets then guided through the crowd via the small of her back.

"You know, I like Christmas. Everyone looks so happy." She looked to Damon who shrugged, "Although, it's a bit make or break for couples. Fighting over gifts n'that."

"I think that's just Manchester." He joked, rubbing her shoulder and pulling her tighter to his side.

She had ignored his comment, attention stolen by the bright lights cascading down the shopping buildings. Damon instead stood behind her, his chin rest atop her head as she stared in childlike wonder at the display. "We're going in there." Her voice distant, stuck in a trance until he had connected his arms across her stomach.

"You like it?"

"Don't you?" She turned to look at him, dark eyes unintentionally consuming Damon and pushing a smile across his cheeks.

He dropped his arms to his side at the warmth of her touch, melting at the feeling of her acrylics pushing his hair back and cupping his cheek in admiration. "You wanna go in now?" He took her hand that was used to push him back a few steps to a wall.

Amelia shook her head, "Kiss me." The dimples surrounding her smile perfectly accentuated in the decorative lights.

Damons eyes softened, moving her hands behind his neck. "Kiss you?" His own on her hips, the two of them subconsciously swaying to the music of the precinct. She nodded, eyes drifting between his and reaching to touch the smile lines near his temples.

They connected lips in sync, nothing more than a sweet kiss. "Will you come to Manchester with me tonight?" Her forehead leant against his own, lips remaining centimetres from hers, the only thing between them being the condensation of cold air.


"Are you going to repeat everything I say?" She played with his hair, fixing it from the front and placing her hands on his chest.

"I'll come." He reassured, "Why're you going? Have you booked the tickets?"

Amelia snorted at his instant worry. "I have the tickets. I knew you'd come," She flicked his cheek, pulling away from him and wandering away into the shop she had admired. Damon followed her, touching a few of the displays. "I'm going to tell them that I'm spending Christmas with you."

"You are?" He blurted.

She turned to him, "You knew this." A frown threatening over her brow. "I told you."

Damon rubbed the back of his neck with a nod, gesturing for her to keep walking. He had forgotten.

"How long are you- we going down for?"

"A day." She blunted, half-ignoring his nod and only falling attentive to the smile he had produced when texting someone. "Assume you're not speaking to Jamie?"

Damon shook his head, looking up at her and shoving his phone in his pocket. "A day, what time?" Amelia stared at him blankly.


His jaw tightened at her look, "What're you looking at me like that for?" It was almost a bite, hands thrown to either side of himself. Amelia pulled her lip up in a tut before walking away in-front of him. "Hm?" He prodded, pointedly looking at her while they walked in parallel.

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