Acquiesce and Animosity

683 19 5

Waterloo | 18:38pm

Damon left work with many thoughts, papers and bags under his eyes, fresh out of a soul-draining conference he had a mission. A mission that had been mentally put on the back burner since last week, only coming to terms with his decision this morning after the confusingly gruelling emotional impact the HR reports had on him.

He'd briefly stopped by the flat, shoving his assignments to the kitchen counter and rushing out of his work clothes. There was something thrilling about his excursion, an adrenaline-filled journey that would more than likely come to halt when he had a second to think. But, for now, that thinking was long to come and he was throwing clothes into a bag, too engaged in his activity to realise Jamie stood by the door.

"What's happening now?" His voice slow, mouth forming a lazy smile. "A girl?" He leaned against the doorframe, crossing his arm over his chest and holding the other hand up to his lip where he'd naturally balanced a blunt between his fingers.

Damon ignored the question, pulling a t-shirt over himself while tirelessly raking around his drawers and producing a small note that he had shoved into his back pocket. Jamie didn't note the sense of urgency, not that he cared. "I'll be back in," Hand to his neck, looking around in thought. "A few days? If not more."

Jamie shrugged, pushing away from the doorframe and wandering away to the kitchen while Damon cleared his throat, forcing his bag to zip shut before swinging it over his shoulder and grabbing a set of keys. He stared at his reflection in the hall mirror for a moment, contemplating if his pending venture was the best idea. His eyes looked tired, emphasising the dark circles and his hollowed cheeks. It was worth it, for the sake of at least forgiveness.

If nothing else, it was worth a shot. He was going to Manchester.

His mind had been set on the trip since he had stumbled into the same coffee bar in which him and Amelia had shared a spiteful half-hour at the first day they met. He refused to sit in, apologetically moving many people out of the way for him to leave. In honesty, it was odd but he had never felt as lonely before. Amelia was such a presence in his everyday live that when she was taken away from it - a void was left.
A quietness in the mornings, the lack of
half-hearted complaints left Damon on edge.

When she left he had managed to convince himself that she would come back, that this was just another temporary mood. But it wasn't.
And he was naive to think that, naive to think she would easily forgive him when he shows up on her turf. Damon hadn't considered her reaction to his sudden arrival, he hadn't anticipated her explicitly liking it but she might be relieved in a way. Alternatively she would shut the door in his face and push him away, maybe Liam would oversee that one.

Upon betraying her trust had she gotten back with Liam to spite him?

Was it selfish to think that? Maybe she would get with Liam to feel wanted, Damon knew her inside out and ironically he knew what she needed most right now. In hindsight, he had no idea why he had brought up her father. The many hours of thought he had devoted to the moment concluded with him being in the wrong from every angle possible.

"So what, you going then?" Jamie cut his thoughts, stood with a carton of orange juice in his right hand the same spliff in his left.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'll text you or something."
He replied nonchalantly, nodding Jamie's direction and heading out the door with no grace whatsoever.

And by the time he had reached the train-station the thought had been locked in. It was a good idea and he was going to do it, regardless of the anticipated outcome. Even now, as he stood staring at the board times with squinted eyes and a scrunched up newspaper he watched as the various types of people darted around the station. With each passing glare becoming a normality, he felt nervous, nauseous even.

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