Perks and Downfalls

966 21 11

Glasgow | 21:07pm

Events were piss scary. Events were double piss scary when you weren't told about them until the day before. Imagine that. Pure panic attack material, sending one and a half, half-arsed employees to fucking Glasgow in order for a presentation. Damon was the one doing the talking, something about rising his image and convincing potential readers or gaining interest?

Amelia was naturally dragged along with him for the excuse she was his assistant when in
reality, Damon had no friends to take along so instead took her. And let's say, the more she spent time with him she came to realise why he didn't have friends. Because fuck, he was annoying. I mean yeah Ringo, peace and love and all that but Damon was just plain fucking annoying there was no light way of putting it.

So as they stood now, arguing over which venue to walk into, Amelia couldn't help to notice how bitchy he was when aggravated. Damon was honestly like a teenage girl with his strops and daggers, much in correlation to the first day she had met him actually. She did have to refrain herself from saying his tie looked shit bless him, due to his current stress levels he would probably end up taking it off and fucking stomping on it. Tie insults seemed to hit him directly in the heart these days.

"I'm being serious." He warned, ruffling his hair in frustration then coming to regret it with a frown. "Google it one more time." Amelia reluctantly pulled out her phone and looked up which venue they were supposed to be in for the fourth time, rolling her eyes when he had snatched the phone from her grasp.

"Bumpin' my phone int' going to help you."
She took it back, nodding her head to the building they stood in-front of. "It's that one,
now get your hair sorted n' cheer up, fuck sake."

The thing with Glasgow wasn't necessarily how big it was, more how similar the streets looked to one another. Amelia had never been nor had Damon but when they found themselves chucked in the deep end with fairly friendly and loud locals. Damon had instantly shut up and barely spoken a word in fear of getting the piss taken out of him. While in stark contrast, Amelia had taken a vast liking to Glaswegians, somewhat ditching Damon and floating into the loud crowds seamlessly, it was her style of city living.

"Fuck off, I'm fine." He spat.

"You've a right attitude," She pushed his shoulder. "Scared you'll get t'piss taken out of you for that fuckin' earring?"

He only glared at her before begrudgingly taking off up the stairs to the big fuck off venue that held insane architecture that was incredibly daunting to say the least. Amelia had concluded beforehand that today would be fine because she looked good, so did Damon to an extent but she reigned supreme in this case. How formal can one be for a fucking writers event? Apparently very. It was like a change of world from street to inside, like Narnia, so much in such a little space, holding so many important looking people as oppose to Glasgow high street. Yikes.

"Look at this eh, Dames?" Amelia swooped a free Champagne. "The talent in here for you, look." She openly pointed across the room to a few beautifully dressed women sporting flawless makeup and Damon only shook his head, taking her hand in his and leading the pair of them to the bar.

"Order what you want." He motioned to the drinks, digging around in his suit pocket for the cue cards he had messily written on the plane. "I'll be back," He shouted over the murmur of voices, sliding his card across the counter to her and sending a reassuring look that ensured he would be back before adjusting his tie and taking off into the crowd of people that surrounded them.

Amelia didn't bother to question anything, instead she turned to make an observation of the people sat around the bar. Primarily old people with a mix of youth to breakup the fossilisation.

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