Smiles and Adoration

833 18 54

Waterloo | 08:23am

The morning was brisk, cold and fresh. It showed by the frost on the window and the airy breeze that was the cause of goosebumps on Amelias arms. Damon woke first, frowning at the coldness and pulling the covers tighter over himself and Amelia who had attached herself to his side during the night. Her leg propped across his own and her hands together, used as a pillow against his chest.

Damon looked down at her briefly, sighing in comfort before shutting his eyes.

He had a day off today and initially planned on getting some work done. Work that would only get done with quietness. He ran his hands through his hair and sat up slightly to reach for his laptop from the bedside table as quietly as he could. Amelia shifted, adjusting to his new position and humming in sleepy contentment.

"Emails, Damon." He spoke to himself, setting the laptop next to Amelia and scratching the back of his neck. He hated emails. They always held rude tones, never once had he received a nice one.

While working in Liverpool, he had met a woman who had complained about the same thing. They agreed to exchange numbers on behalf of these emails, both insecure of sounding rude over formality. It had only now dawned on Damon that they worked in different departments, and would never really need to email in the first place.

He squinted at the bright screen, peering down at Amelia briefly before setting his fingers to the keys.

"You're not writing emails." She mumbled into his chest, not bothering to acknowledge his reaction to her being awake.

"Didn't know you were awake."

"Now you know," Her voice weak. "Got any cigarettes?"

He moved the laptop to the side, smiling endearingly at her tired state and pulling the covers over the two of them to indulge in his selfish need of affection. He peppered kisses on her temples, squeezing her tight in his arms while holding his hands together over her chest. "None."

"Down t'shop then." Amelia mused, placing her hands over his own. "Both of us."

"What one?" Damon tested, not believing for a second that she would come with him. "The closest one probably." He answered for her and she looked up, humming when he had kissed the top of her head.

"Can we decorate for Christmas?"

Damon scoffed, hanging his head in exhaustion over the subject. "It's November, Amelia." He let go of her, standing from the bed and stretching. "Come on, if you want cigarettes that is." He held a hand down to pull her up.

"I'll come if we can at least put lights up."
She eyed him.

"Lights?" He mocked, holding his hands out and looking around the room. "Where?" A shake of the head, followed by a smile at her look.

"Not in here." She stood swiftly, walking away out into the hall and pointing to the aligned shelves. "Across these or summat. Make it a bit less miserable since Jamie stopped letting me buy candles." She had spent £290 on his card in TK Maxx.

Damon shook his head, walking back to the room and throwing on yesterdays clothes like the man he was. "Maybe in a few weeks." He fumbled with his belt, buckling it and looking to Amelia who had glared at him the whole time. "I'm sorry but no." He laughed, looking down to avoid her convincing eye contact.

"Look at me." Her lip curved into a smirk. Damon hesitantly eyed her. "Tell me no."

He rubbed the back of his neck, shrugging as his hand fell back to his side. "No." Amelia raised a brow, turning away from him to dig out an outfit from their now shared drawers.

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