Filth and Surprises

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Downtown London | 02:54am

Amelia walked through London with less than a purpose. She felt sick and her boots were digging into her heels, eyes darting between connecting eyes of those who bravely budged into her and the streetlights that were headache inducingly bright. She hadn't been back to the flat yet, she hadn't even told Damon she was coming back tonight. Part of her didn't want to - have her surprise be unexpected and cause a scene for both him and Jamie to wake up to. Enter with style, some might say.

Saying that, Jamie may not even be asleep,
he was fucking nocturnal.

Even for London the streets were lonely, granted it was the tail-end of the week but there was usually a few folk darting about off their meth prescriptions on a Thursday. Nevertheless she had dipped into a McDonald's, smiling tiredly at the woman on the counter who had reciprocated the look. Fuck that. Noel used to work lates at KFC and he said he wanted to glass himself more and more each hour that passed, imagine what this girl was thinking as Amelia - sober as the night - entered with a packed bag and a
half-arsed smile on her face. Probably thought she was some creature of the night. Sound.

She looked around, catching no attention of the small number of people sitting alone and away in corners from one another. The world was so afraid to socialise, if Damon was here Amelia would've somehow shoved him into awkward conversation with one of the lonely people. Regardless of the time. That was her charm,
the art of socialising. Remember that? When people used to talk face-to-face? Nah, I know you don't. Alas, her mind drifted to Liam for a brief period, kicking her foot against the floor subconsciously and zoning out before her food was called.

See, there was almost always an issue with McDonald's food. Chips cold, lack of sauce, lack of bag. But to her surprise, the food was decent and by the time she had reached the flat, said chips were long demolished and all she had to show for herself was an empty paper bag, half a bottle of Sprite and the big fuck off bag hung on her shoulders. The stairs looked as horrible as ever and she had to drag herself up them with the only motivation being Damon's reaction.

She didn't know what she expected, it wasn't exactly a fucking gender reveal but fuck it, have to look forward to something.

Once atop Everest, she hoisted the bag from her shoulder, digging around to find the set of keys Jamie had given her. Pro tip: never put small keys in amongst a weeks worth of clothes, they may get lost. And that they did, it took Amelia
a good few minutes of searching before she had produced the small keychain - wiping the panic from her face and tossing the bag over her shoulder once more, popping a bubble with the chewing gum she had too found in the bag.

"C'mon man." She muttered, twisting the key multiple different times, sighing when it refused to budge and she couldn't help to laugh at herself, leaning back against the railing and lighting a cigarette purely for the sake of it.

The sky looked dull and her head began to ache, pushing the cigarette out after only four drags to try the key again. "You fuckin-" She clapped her hands together when the door had unlocked, placing her bag silently in the hall before shutting and locking it behind her, tutting at the mess of the shoes kicked around. Sometimes it was like two children lived here.

She walked through to the kitchen with a yawn, stopping in her tracks when she had walked right into a scene from fucking Pinterest. Jamie. Art. Ambient lights. His work had been splayed out across the floor, multiple acrylic paints beside unlit candles and the radio crackling in the kitchen. He had his back to her, very tediously outlining an a3 painting with a bare torso and belted jeans. Amelia ever so thoughtfully waited until he sat back up, eyeing the minor change he had just made.

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