Dumb and Dumber

796 22 7

Burnage, Manchester | 09:21am

After a week of repetitive work, glares and getting told off for photocopying 'unprofessional' images, Amelia had returned to Manchester to get some clothes. And god did it feel good to be home.

She'd stepped foot in her room to find Liam asleep in bed, one hand over his chest while the other reached out across the mattress taking up all the space. The room was as clean as it could be for a man living in it but there wasn't much time to do a breakdown of her room when all attention was drawn to Liam, his face was only ever this relaxed when he was asleep, it was a rare sight to see him without a frowned brow.

Amelia dropped her bag quietly before throwing herself onto the bed or Liam we should say, the room engulfed in a large groan with a slight hint of a shout in between. She laughed out loud and his eyes shot open, a grin on his face as he rolled them over so his arms wrapped around
her, holding her down. Suddenly wide awake and peppering kisses all over her face, sliding a hand down to her thigh and squeezing it tightly. "Fuck, I've missed you."

It was times like this that Liam played the boyfriend really well. This and beating up the blokes brave enough to lay a hand on her at a club, he was good at bigging her up and making her feel as if she was something really to be adored. Meanwhile, Amelia was good at making Liam feel like a hardman, that was very important to his image, not that he liked to be told that.

"I missed you more." She pushed him off with a smile, cuddling into his side instead.

"What'd you get upta' in London then."
He mimicked a southern accent, looking down
to her on his chest.

Oh yeah nothing, just met two random men and constantly bickered with one yet fancied the absolute pants off of the other. Did I mention they let me live with them? The bam one slept in his bed with me but the other saw my bra. How to go about wording this to Liam! Nah, I'm joking I slept at a dodgy Premier Inn and ate their
top-tier breakfasts the whole week. Really was great you should've been there!

"Nothin' really," She hummed. "What 'bout you? Woulda been shite without me here."

Liam shrugged. "Did fuck all, mainly ate your food n' slept." He began to play with her hair, twisting it around his finger.

"How's Noel?" Dare she ask.

Liam scoffed, leaning to the side and picking up his phone before handing it to Amelia.
"Go on me 'n his texts."

Now, you have not seen literature like a standard text conversation between Liam and Noel. English professors could study it for hours, the hidden meanings and metaphors - what made up words may mean and the many meanings behind them. It truly was a brain-fucking experience to read through texts that make less sense than your nan on Facebook.

In this absolute one off special, Noel simply asked what they were doing next Saturday for the Man City game to which Liam joyously replied,
'F off i'd rather watch paint dry then be there with u' Lovely. Then Noel replied, 'Right I'll watch with Paul' To which Liam said, 'Wtf why Paul? I said id come' What.

"What're you fucked off about? He's asked about the game n' you've been a right prat and said no in your own way." She rolled her eyes and he frowned, snatching the phone back and looking through the texts as if he had forgotten what was said. "Just text him now n' say i'm home, cunt'll come rushing up that fuck off hill."

She climbed out of the bed and began to unpack her bag, shoving new clothes in it simultaneously. "He's said he's stuck at a birds house can't come the now, what a load of shite. That his way of sayin' a random sket is better than you? Fuckin' prick, wait till he gets here, man, I'll kick-" He tried but was cut off by the door opening, revealing Amelia's mother with a large grin on her face and wide arms about to take her daughter into a big hug.

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