Intricacies and Balance

849 17 59

Waterloo | 12:32pm

Sometimes Amelia forgot she had been fired. She forgot that work was still a thing for Damon, and that he couldn't just laze around like she did majority of the time. He had promised to get her job back but she didn't necessarily want it back, it was fun to start an argument about it from time-to-time but truthfully it was all a laugh.

Moments like this, where she got to sleep in and lie around until half twelve really stood a foot above from any cons that may come with being unemployed. It was golden, great even.

A knock at the door however did interrupt her serenity. "Yeah, she's fine." Jamie hung by the frame, a habitual cigarette stuck to his lip and dragging the scent of smoke into the room with him. He was on the phone, eyes fixed to her as he nodded a silent response to whoever was on the line. "Nah." A sudden smirk tugging his lip up.

Amelia frowned deeply at his interruption of her rare quietness. She stared at him with question, sitting up and watching pointedly as he moved to the foot of the bed, chuckling heartily and stubbing the rug beneath his feet. "Whose it?" She mouthed.

"Here she is."

The phone was tossed onto the bed, Jamie away into the kitchen leaving her with the call that was blankly stared at for a few seconds. She admired his trust in her not to impulsively go through his camera roll. "Hello?" An unsure clear of the throat.

"You're alive." Damon mused from the line. She could hear his smile. "I hadn't heard from you."

"In good right, I was sleeping." She lay back on the bed, placing the phone on her chest in boredom for it was only Damon and his anxious questioning. "Yourself? Busy morning?"

"Not half." He sighed.

Jamie had reappeared, rubbing his jaw and opening the window to smoke by it. Amelia eyed him and his casual attire, she was partial to staring when he wore a long-sleeve under a standard shirt. "You want anything else?"

"FaceTime me?" Damon offered.

"Get fucked, you're disrupting my peace enough."

Jamie coughed on the smoke of his cigarette in laughter, he always forgot how cut throat Amelia could be. Never could you predict what she would say next. Damon however ignored her comment, ending the call only to set off the phone in a FaceTime. They worked together that way, his persistence and her blunt replies were like a glue in the relationship that Damon had jokingly called 'Damelia'.

She answered, holding two fingers up to Jamie as if to send him away. "Why're you still stood there." She frowned.

"You've got my phone." He tapped the windowsill, bluntly averting his gaze to her.

"Why'd you care? Got summat on here like?"

Jamie merely laughed to himself, taking another drag of his cigarette. Amelia wasn't sure what that meant. She retreated to the other side of the bed, propping the phone against Damons pillow.

He was sat at his desk, his own phone stood against a desk ornament. "What'd you want then?" She watched his attention slowly fall back to her, head turning before his eyes when he had sat back, cracking his knuckles and cringing at the pile of work he had in-front of him.

"A release from," He picked the phone up, frowning in attempt to flip the camera. "This." His hand frantically gesturing to the papers, plummeting the phone back down to its previous spot.

Amelia pulled a face, blowing a puff of air in boredom. "Shite. Wish I was there."

Jamie smirked to himself, fixating his attention away from the conversation half out of boredom. He was waiting for Amelia too to grow bored of Damon like she did on the phone. And in fairness, Damon was outrageously boring to talk to over the phone.

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