Patter and Make-Dos

955 19 5

Burnage | 09:12am

Last night, Amelia had Damon follow her like a lost puppy. She knew he was caught up on his words but didn't want to hear the waffle that would spill from his mouth if given an opportunity. Her eyes remained fixed on the crumbled pavement, and they walked in comfortably uncomfortable silence the whole time until Damon had realised they were outside her house again. He kicked dirt and audibly sighed but it didn't last long by the time she had kicked Liam out of her room and dragged Damon to take his place.

He was confused at first and offered to sleep on the sofa but was met with a scoff that Liam had in turn just moved to the sofa. She made him sleep with her for the sake of easiness but Damon had his suspicions that she wanted to be with him.
He wasn't complaining much, he couldn't, not in her proximity.

Leading to now, Amelia awake and staring at him. He lay on his back with one arm over his chest, the other rest on his groin. They had made a pillow barrier last night, just to reinforce that he wasn't forgiven but naturally over the course of the night, said barrier had collapsed and Amelia had woken up with her head rest on his chest. She stubbornly took the moment in for a few minutes before separating from him and turning her back - but, she never lasted long and was facing him only seconds later.

Damon however lay in contentment. His mouth slightly ajar, brows relaxed and hand slowly moving from his chest to around Amelia's shoulder, forcing her to move back in confusion and in result stirring him awake from his otherwise peaceful sleep.

The look on his face spoke volumes and he pulled away from her instantly, moving from the bed and standing up by the door while clearing his throat. If Amelia hadn't been feigning a mood with him in this exact moment, she would have a comment for his sudden movements and the way he paced to the door and back to the foot of the bed within five seconds.

"Sorry, I um-" He wet his bottom lip, running a hand up the back of his neck. "Where's the bathroom?"

Amelia snorted, falling back into the bed and pulling the covers to her side, burying her face in the pillow. "Y'dont need to fuck off just 'cause you're embarrassed." A muffled groan. "On the right. I don't live in a mansion, don't need to look very far."

Damon shrugged, leaving the room to only stare at himself in the bathroom mirror. Not out of self-interest, rather self-hate at the moment.
He ran cold water and splashed his face with it, eyeing the devious bags under his eyes he couldn't help but to smirk at his situation. Whether good or bad he had done it. He had gotten Amelia in a prime place, now all he had to do was be consistent in his apologies and make sure it was understood on her end.

He plodded back through to the room, shutting the door behind him and slowly getting into the bed with her. "Why're you walking on egg-shells, I'm not gonna bite you." She just about karate chopped her pillow to make it more comfortable. "Like ay, I'm annoyed at you but you're still the same bloke."

"Is that a good or a bad thing?" He stared to the ceiling.

"Neither." She briefly smiled to herself. "When you going home then?" The change of tone made Damon wince.

He watched in silence as she sat forward and tied her hair up, pushing the covers back to stand up. "Few days." A mumble, unsure of his answer.
"I don't have to stay here though." He spat out, too sitting up and resting his head against the headboard. His fringe was sticking out every which way.

"Didn't say owt." She couldn't hide her glare. "Y'can stay here."

Her movements were delicate and light, the opening of the blinds and the tidying of the room was all done in fluidity. Fluidity that Damon was jealous of, he never was able to do anything without tripping over or knocking what he had just tidied. It was an absolute skill - then again, maybe it wasn't. Maybe just maybe it was hand in hand with practise and habit. Either way,
he gawked at her unintentionally as she habitually partook in her domestic tasks.
It was only when she had removed her shirt to a bare chest that Damon had fixed his attention on something else with wide eyes.

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