Lies and Connection

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Downtown London | 11:31am

How easy really was it to break up with a long term boyfriend? Who was to say it couldn't be a breeze? Well, emotions perhaps, but aside from that it could be easily done. Bish, bash, bosh. Like finishing off a KFC or telling your mam you love her - piss easy.

Amelia decided that if she built it up to be easy it would be easy. Has the word easy been said enough? She had found Liam outside the hotel, smoking a spliff and throwing daggers to everyone that walked past him, yikes. Not a morning person our Liam, goodness knows how he had kept his job.

She walked up to him, tapping his shoulder causing him to jump slightly and turn to her with a sigh, checking the time while sporting a mugged off expression through his brows. Right moody fucker Liam was but that was something utterly unchangeable about him, see, that was partially what made the following moments so difficult. His grumpy attitude, how good he looked with the sullen expression he wore so well.

Amelia would miss his unimpressed look but at the same time she wouldn't, fuck me you couldn't do right for wrong with them eyebrows. He held the spliff out for her, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"Where'd you go?" A mutter.

Ok, nevermind the easy bollocks, it was hard now. You know when you feel ease in judging a situation you've never been in before, not realising just how difficult it actually is to do said thing? Yeah. How are you supposed to tell someone you don't want to be with them anymore?

Fuck sake, knowing Liam, it was near impossible to even guesstimate what he would do with this information. Either kick off or shrug? Well it would certainly hurt a fuck tonne more if he didn't care - but, she didn't want him to care in the first place. What a state.

"E'yar Liam." She took his hand, "Look." His eyes connected with hers and she felt suddenly guilty. It wasn't Liam's fault he was a prick, more his father but you could even blame Noel partially. Sorry Noel. This was a huge moral dilemma in Amelia's head, she wanted Damon (to an extent) without feeling guilty but couldn't leave Liam high and dry.

I mean, she'd never questioned her happiness with Liam until she had met Damon so what does that say about it all? About Damon. Maybe she was ironically being subconsciously manipulated by Damon, plot twist of the century. Liam raised his brows, edging her on and eyeing her suspiciously when she hadn't taken a drag from the joint.

"You right?"

"I just-" It was rare Amelia didn't have the words, but really, it was just her brain running at 100mph behind her lost eyes - she didn't actually want to break up with Liam. Let's call this bump a phantom break-up like a phantom pregnancy, didn't happen but you still have the symptoms like it did. It was true to an extent, months ago Amelia felt like she had lost her Liam so it wasn't too farfetched. Fuck it.

"Just think we should cut down on the green a little, ay?" She took the joint from his hand, desperately holding it to her lip in irony. Liam frowned, bending down to her height and pulling at her cheeks, presumably checking she wasn't on some sort of harder drug.

"Eh? Us? S'wrong with you darlin'?" He pressed the back of his hand to her forehead. "I know I was a prick last night there but the weed? Nah."

She looked to him in silence, his face displaying concern all over for once. It fucking would be the one day she was going to break it off that he suddenly cares about dumb shit. Amelia pushed him away and took a few steps back. "Why'd ya fuckin' cheat on me." She couldn't help to push away his care and Liam rubbed his nose in exhaustion, placing his hands on his hips and looking around, eyes ending up on the ground before he had laughed slightly.

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