Trials and Tribulations

766 21 27

Waterloo | 8:21pm

Since Damon had gotten home, Jamie had been onto him about Amelia. It was a mix of teasing and laughter, poking fun at the way he would either roll his eyes or his neck would go red whenever she was mentioned. In truth, Damon hated the big brother part that Jamie played so well even though Damon was older by a week and a bit, the week he clutched onto whenever Jamie pissed him off. 'You're younger, you do it.' Type of brotherly love.

Jamie did see him as a younger brother and got most of his fun from shoving him around, annoying and winding him up when he had something for someone. Little was it known that Damon actually enjoyed it too, as much as he said he hated Jamie, he reckoned he'd be bored without him. That was all though - only bored.

When Jamie had returned from whatever the fuck he did during the day, Damon had never bothered to ask before but guessed he was probably at some art place. Nonetheless, he was already up to questioning where Amelia was.

Damon didn't know, he hadn't seen her since the kiss. The kiss he didn't regret. He hadn't began to worry just yet, she was probably staying later so she could get some work done but then again, that really didn't sound like her did it?

He'd tried calling her number, receiving an answer phone and there was suddenly a worry in the back of his head. Maybe an undeserving worry as Amelia would twist an arm if she was ever grabbed or touched. Although no one
said she was being grabbed or touched, Damon just had a permanent worry in his head and he wasn't sure why. He had an apple to distract his brain but it tasted sour and he couldn't help to notice how quiet the flat was.

No arguing, loud laughs or mispronunciations of words that were heard during the day. A void if you will. God, never did Damon think he would say the lack of a Mancunian accent created such a hole in his head but here he was, in a dark
living-room, eating an apple and staring off into the distance like an absolute bellend. He hadn't felt this confused since GCSE music, to this day he still wasn't entirely sure on how to read sheet music but that was beside the point, Amelia wasn't here and that was the focus.

She hadn't showed face since the second she walked out on him, creating a huge scene around the building as neighbouring offices had heard the argument and people started to talk.

Damon found it funny at the time, the whole thing. Specifically, her reaction to the truths he was giving her, granted, they weren't delivered in the friendliest way but what was said and done had happened and there was no changing it.
The irony of course was that, there was no need for a fuss. Amelia had phoned Liam and left the building, trodding along the streets till she had reached a small cat cafe in which she did her work instead of the offices.

But, it wasn't just Amelia that was worrying Damon. Money was also becoming a first-hand issue and Jamie wasn't much help at all, he had
a right knack for being a cryptic shit with his money and how much he made, not the best imaginable situation when you share a flat
with him.

They were supposed to talk about it last night but he was busy with some girl called London. Can you imagine how that went? Damon speaking his mind, 'weird name, that.' Brilliant. So while Jamie charmed her Damon was left to work out the bills with AirPods in to block out the noises, nor result was good. Debt? Check! Gloating Jamie? Double check.

"You've been sat in the dark for an hour mate." Speaking of, Jamie had sauntered into the living room, sitting down with a sigh. "Did you scare her away?" He scratched his beard, the sound of it made Damon wince.

"Me? If anyone's being scared away I'll be the one running." He mumbled, eyes fixated on the street below him.

"Alright well, why're you moping about?"

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