Sex and Shenanigans

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Waterloo | 07:51am

What was the convenience of shagging in the shower? Everything. Amelia always did wonder why people seemed daunted by it, it was the same act in a much easier space yet people spoke of it as if it was something to be built up to.
A huge romantic gesture of sorts. Well, newsflash it wasn't. More of a time saving invention.

Maybe that was how the first person intended it, because in honesty, what was so romantic about wet hair across your face and barely being able to see because of the shampoo in your eye, not to mention two people in such a small space?

Romantic, not really. Convenient? Entirely!

It had been two weeks since the Liam spat and Amelia had completely forgotten about it until Jamie mentioned it the other day, between then she had taken everything as it came. She had to get pleasure somewhere, London was boring for this type of stuff but Damon on the contrast was thrilled and slowly began to make passes at her, eventually getting her into his bed properly.

And since then, they had been at it more often than the Irish swore. Well truth, It was initially Damon's idea to do the whole shower thing, Amelia believed he meant it in a romantic way at first but then it turned into more of a convenience to balance out his horniness.

Thus, leading us to now. The rush of the morning. Brilliant isn't it? Families fighting over toast, teachers thinking of excuses on why they haven't marked essays yet, couples arguing over what time they had to leave and grumpy teenagers refusing to get out of bed. In this case, it was Damon and Amelia bickering about what time was left to fuck before they had to leave the flat.

It was hard to agree when Amelia didn't care an ounce in contrast to Damon who was adamant on wanting to be in by nine on the dot. He'd created an elaborate explanation stating they had to leave at ten to eight due to the traffic but Amelia couldn't find reason to care resulting in the now.

"If I'm late I'll kick off," He wrapped his hand around Amelia's neck, tilting her head upwards as he pressed her against the cold glass. "He'll have a go at me and I'm not much in the, Fuck- mood for it." His large hand gripped her torso, resting his head on her shoulder as he picked up his pace.

Amelia held her hand across the back of his neck, moaning through a content sigh as Damon had connected his lips to her neck, clearly rushing her pleasure so he could get to work on time. It was sweet in honesty, he was good at giving instead of taking. Refreshing, as oppose to Liam who prayed himself on his head game although it wasn't the best.

"You'll be fine, you worry too much." She spoke through a gasp, pushing herself against him.

"I worry because no one else does." His hair had darkened from the water, resting boyishly across his brow and spiking in all different directions. "My article is being published today and nothing is organised for it." He grunted, snaking his arm around to her breasts and holding his hand atop of her own, interlocking their fingers together. "At this rate I'm doing your job too."

Amelia frowned, turning to eye him but was ignored as Damon stood with his forehead pressed against the glass above her, eyes shut as he changed pace once again, expression changing with it. "Fuck off I do all of your boring shit."
She defended and he opened an eye, looking down to her and shaking his head before moving his free hand to her mouth, muffling her reply and then her moans.

He too groaned as he dropped his hand from her breast and instead held her by the waist, pushing in and out with such a force that she had escaped a moan through his hand.

"You alright?" He continued, pressing sloppy yet intent kisses to her neck as she nodded, pulling his hand from her mouth and connecting lips with him through a smile and innocent eyes. "You're close." Damon pulled back, moving some hair from her face and running a hand down her abdomen.

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