Simplicities and Ease

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Waterloo | 06:48am

The art of the non-sleeper. A buzz, kick, thrill. The feeling of that first caffeine hit running through your body and livening you up until roughly 4pm when it was inevitable for a small kip to avoid issues. Amelia fell into this category, she barely slept and ran off it well - a routine if you will. While Damon, well, Damon was his own entity in the morning when he hadn't managed a minimum of six hours. Some call it beauty sleep, others don't believe in such a thing but he wasn't for talking upon the first wake-up call.

"If it were up to me we'd stay here." She cut off his dozy gazing, picking up her bra from last night and fastening it. "Y'know we could stay. Who'd know, you've nothing due." Damon slowly turned to her with a frown, rushing his hands through his bed-head and sitting up. 

"I'll have to start writing for this presentation." He groaned painfully, falling back down onto the bed and holding an arm out to Amelia, silently asking her to join him. "For a minute." Was his compromise, softening his expression when she shrugged - landing back into his arms and humming at the conformable warmth of the bed as opposed to the cold hardwood floors. "I don't want to go in." He tightened his grip. "Can't we stay like this."

"We can-"

"But we can't." He looked toward the ceiling, finding a strange envy at the bird tweeting by the window. It didn't have to go to work, waking up this early was it's own choice. Oh to be a bird.
"I know we can't."

"You're just mad for work, you." She looked up at him, pinging his cheek when he had began to drift off. "Nah but, we should get up."

"You go." Damon mumbled, half-asleep and waving his hand away before turning on his side. "I'll be a minute."

Amelia sat up, flopping her arms to her side when Damon had shut his eyes again. This is what she imagined it felt like to be a mother having to wake her child up for school, poking the bear in all attempts to get him up. "I'll go see if Jamie's up then, shall I?" She nudged his side, surprised when he had inaudibly mumbled something instead of kicking the covers off immediately.

"Right then." She managed and he stirred, holding his arm over his forehead to block the light of the blinds. 

"You're serious?" A dull expression adorned his face and Amelia shrugged, sitting up and heading toward the door. "Like that?"

"S'wrong with this?" She frowned, eyeing her minimal attire of a bra and the shorts Damon had removed last night, prior to their activities.
"I look suitable enough. What, trying to claim me now, guard who sees what?" She laughed and he flipped her off, pushing a pillow over his head to  ignore her teasing.

She swung the door open, hanging on the frame. "If I make you tea will y'get up."

"Maybe." He grumbled against the pillow.

"You better, I'm not fucking around this early for the reason to not be awake himself."

Amelia had to admit, she enjoyed Damons company. Period. She enjoyed it. Not that she would admit that to his face but it definitely existed in the back of her head. Going to the shops? Damon come with. Work? Not going myself. She took to showing her care in the act of giving, not serving but giving she wouldn't do what he said but would give him minor things that went a long way. Always a cup of tea when making herself one, ironing and folding his clothes behind him, buying things throughout the day she thought he would like.

Small, yet thought out.

She traipsed through to the kitchen, ignoring Jamie by the counter and reaching straight for the kettle. "Sleep well?" He intervened, crossing his arms over his chest and watching as she lazily slotted two slices of bread into the toaster.
Her eyes met his with a frown and he lit a cigarette, puffing on it before looking down to his phone. "Sounded like it."

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