Chapter II

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Show Music Core, May 17, 2014.

Igeon overdose~

We were exhaling heavily as we completed our final pose for our comeback single, “Overdose.” It's our first comeback performance with all 12 members before promoting separately as EXO K and EXO M, and it's really surreal to see our EXO Ls cheering and supporting us.

We waved to our fans and thanked them for their unwavering support before exiting the stage. It's a fantastic performance, and I can't thank our fans enough for their overwhelming support.

“EXO! WE ARE ONE!” they all exclaim.

It means a lot to us, EXO, to know that there are people who are there to support us, and I always hope that they will not stop, even when the time comes for us to make a major decision about our careers and lives.

We'll part ways one day, but the memories we made will live on in our hearts for the rest of our lives. A great deal could happen one day. We may have our own family. And I'm hoping that regardless of what happens, our EXO L will be there for us.

When we arrived at our backstage room, Suho exclaimed, “We made it!”

We all cheered. We put in significant effort to make this comeback a success. We always worked hard and gave our all in every comeback and performance so that we wouldn't disappoint ourselves or our EXO Ls.

After cheering for ourselves, I sat on a chair near the window, eating my lunch and watching cartoons on a widescreen television.

“What's up?” Luhan asked as he approached me with a cup of coffee in his hand.

“What's up, what's up?”

“You've been looking really distracted since this morning,” he reasoned as he sipped his coffee. “Taeyeon?”

He waited for me to answer, but I didn't. As I finished chewing my food, I looked up at him and laughed softly while shaking my head.

The oldest are always aware that something is amiss; they pay attention.

“Why don't you just tell her about your feelings? Maybe she feels the same way,” he reassured.

I wish she felt the same way I do. Always.

“No, she doesn't feel the same way; she only sees me as a younger brother,” I told him, a sad smile on my face.

“Perhaps you're wrong; perhaps she feels the same way you do,” Kai added.

“No, that's impossible,” I smirked as I turned to face Kai, who was staring at himself in the mirror. “How's Krystal doing?”

He didn't have a chance to respond because he was probably repeating my question in his head. When he glared at me through the mirror, I gave him my best innocent smile.

“It's possible, Baekhun; try telling her, and you'll find out; maybe she's just waiting for you to make a move,” Suho exclaimed.

“What are you expecting me to do, guys?”

“Confess!” they yelled at the same time.

“And simply ask her out,” Sehun added.

Luhan shifted his gaze to Sehun, who was sipping his bubble tea. “And Sese, what do you know about asking girls out?”

Sehun simply winked at him and smiled.

I sighed in exasperation. “It's not going to be easy, guys! How do you expect me to confess my feelings when…”

𝚖𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚛 // 𝚋𝚢𝚞𝚗 𝚋𝚊𝚎𝚔𝚑𝚢𝚞𝚗✔Where stories live. Discover now