Didn't see you there [smut]

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A/n: This is my first time writing smut and I almost died. How tf do people do if-I—please bare with me
Summary: political marriage with alecksandar but they soon develop feelings for each other(too much cringe fluff) . Smut in the end😏
Warnings: HEAVY SMUT, I would say 18+ but I'm not 18 myself so who am I to judge you (lmk if I need to add any warnings)
Word count: 3k

After the taking down of fold, Ravaka for the king was growing short of allies as the whole nation was one again. It didn't concern to the general in any way but it did when it came to his grishas. Since the little palace is the home of grishas of Ravaka. One unwise decision in any direction and it could bring upon a war. Not that they needed any protection nor did they need countless enemies across the continent out of pride.

The king came up with a compromising solution for this. To have the general marry lady y/n of *Insert a state name here* for Ravaka as a truce offering. That could ressemble peace between two countries. Surely alecksandar hated the idea but it was for the welfare of his own people.

They settled the marriage proposal amongst y/n's father to have his daughter married to general to bring peace between the countries. He agreed upon it, as it would benefit his rulership too. Y/n didnt have a say in this. Even if she did her voice would be unheard either ways between her father, the king, the general her husband-to-be a man she's never seen before. A man from a land she's never been to before. She'd heard about him of course. The darkling, the shadow summoner, the post powerful grisha. Y/n were to leave her home forever, married off to some stranger she had only heard of in street whispers.

Weeks before the wedding y/n and the royal family of her country arrived at Ravaka. The last she'd be among her family would be in a foreign land she felt glum at that thought.

The general meant to make this wedding work. Y/n wasn't the only "dutiful" one. He would take her walking around the palace following that especially when y/n's family is around to show them she'd be happy here. Sometimes they'd go by the lake, alecksandar would show her different places at the palace. He'd try to converse with her better and y/n would be as shy as she could be. She would reply only with a nod or a shy smile. It annoyed him how she wouldn't meet his eyes, did she think he'd bite her?

But the more time he spent with her he began to tolerate her awkward behaviour day by day. She was certainly very beautiful and kind. She wouldn't say much but her beauty would match her kindness. She'd listen to him. They had been spending afternoons together and he felt a different kind of light around her. He felt close to her only after weeks. He was able to share anything with her. One day he'd been angry with something that came up with his war plans and all she did was nod and tried to understand him. Which she did. She comforted him, she let him vent to him. Something alecksandar himself had never felt before having someone there for him emotionally. That made him grew closer to her. Now he would like to be around her. Though y/n wasn't quite affectionate he would catch her chuckling under her breath, looking at him but turning away as soon as he looked back at her. Sometimes he would even get out a hearty real laugh out of her, he loved to see that. See her laughing. On the end of their walks sometimes he would give her a soft peck on the cheeks and see her blush to death.

Although not the same for y/n. She didn't have anything against alecksandar. He wasn't cruel or mistreated her in any way till now, if he is then it's only a matter of forever for her. She wasn't sure if he would always be this nice or was it just a show? She was too naive to be attracted to him until her mind revolved around missing her family and a weeding ahead of her. Every time she would walk around the palace with him everyone would look at her with a judgemental look she couldn't figure out what it was about but it surely wasn't welcoming. Of course it wasn't. She wasn't like them, she was human married to the most powerful grisha, unfit for someone like him. But who was to explain it to them that she didn't like this marriage as much as them? That she didn't have a say in this either and if she could she would want out of this.

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