Bad influence

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Summary: Aleksander uses curse words around the two year old who adapts that choice of words very quickly? || Fluff

Warnings: Swearing (ofc lol)

Word count: 1.6k+

Dim sunlight passed through the blinds of main chamber. Y/n was sitting on the floor cross legged looking over Eric's drawing and the colours he had spread all over the floor, it was hard to tell if the page was being painted upon or splashed with excessive water and mismanaged colours here and there but it kept the gremlin busy for at least a while. Besides y/n wasn't the one to disturb his process she had her own book to read while he was up busy making a brown coloured sky with strange looking animals. This was their usual routine for the later part of the afternoon most of the times Aleksander would join them too.

Like today, y/n heard his steps chatting with someone-probably Ivan. "For once if he could stop thinking with his beardsplitter we might just win a war!" A scoff with his voice followed his steps as he entered the room. Y/n and Eric both looked up to him entering as he bid his goodbye to Ivan. Y/n hopes Eric didn't hear what Aleksander said though he was just a toddler he was very quick to pick up on his father's actions, especially his words. It was adorable at times when Eric would draw Aleksander's beard on his face and mimic his voice, do his hand gestures in order to be the same height as him he would ask Genya to lift him up. Almost everyone at little palace contributed happily to his demands.
He had started speaking Aleksander's words too. He would call y/n Miliya and run away hoping he tricked his mother into thinking Aleksander had called her. It was pretty alright till then, he has started picking up Aleksander's cuss words too apparently.

Everytime he would discuss some council or state issues with y/n he would mindlessly swear and if Eric was around he would surely add it to his dictionary when he could barely pronounce some words right. Erik dropped his brushes and ran to Aleksander as he reciprocated his pace, bending lower Aleksander lift him up at once and hurled him in the air laughing the same time as him.

Putting her forefinger between the book settling the page she closed it putting it on her lap. "How was the meeting?" She asked Aleksander she didn't knew there was one but hearing him use the word thinking and beardsplitter in the same sentence she figured he had met with the 'Tsar today.

"Just the manwhore of a King we have being an arse as he fu-"

"Aleksander!" Y/n quipped interrupting him.

"What?" He asked confused as Erik gestures to wriggled out of his arms, bending he let Erik go and he ran back to his painting probably for the final touch.

"I've told you not to swear around Eric!" She told him raising her brows.

"Oh?" He huffed shrugging his shoulders "Apologies then."

"It isn't trivial! He picks up extremely fast after your words." Y/n debated as a grin spread across his face.

"He probably doesn't even understand them."

"Exactly! He doesn't understand them so he thinks they're normal words and it is alright to use them."

"Are you accusing me of being a bad influence on our child?" He faked a gasp holding onto his chest.

"Yes. Yes I am." She stated at him blankly irritated by his dramatics given not only two days ago Erik asked David if he knew about the word shit.

"Alright." He sighed in defeat taking a seat next to y/n on the floor close beside her. "Eric from now on saying any bad words in this house is treason." He said turning to the two year old with a fake stern voice.

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