From Eden 1.

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Summary: This is a supposed mini series which takes place after the events of s1 so well s2 spoilers, darkling presumed dead by everyone amongst the love of his life back in ketterdam (flashbacks in italics)

Warnings: Kidnapping, fake death

An: this is kind of like a prologue

Chained in a small room, where the damp walls lingered of last night's rain, loud sounds of hustles during the day from the streets below and sound at night, the only source of light being the sun through the high awing window during the day and the dim streetlight during the night. It was certainly not the experience y/n would've thought of receiving after returning home for the first time in several years.

All those inconveniences were far too distant for y/n to wrap her head around as she sat in that room, a hostage or a leverage is what it felt like by the means of it. She was excluded from the politics and every crime they indulged with at ketterdam by her brother Kaz. Not meant for you. She remembered his words exactly when years ago he sent her off to little palace, you're grisha. You belong here.

For a while she had hated Kaz for sending her away, she'd only ever known her home to be ketterdam. However criminal, rough or shabby it may be the streets and the clubs were the only home she knew at that time. Y/n was Kaz's responsibility, never had there been a incident where his sister's life was in-convinced or nearly but he did not want to wait for such to arise. The bastard of the barrel had many enemies he could not let his sister get in the middle of a crossfire. He did what he had felt right at that time, over the years y/n got over being sent away across the fold. She understood her brother's position and ketterdam's  circumstances. Kaz never mentioned it but y/n had known he truly cared for her, she would write him and the crows letters time to time. Leaving out a certain details, keeping some.

With time y/n had found a home at the little palace like she had back in ketterdam. It wasn't the place or four walls that make a place a home, it's the people. Y/n had found a handful of people and also a certain someone. At first it was secret glances, coming across one another in libraries, the slight nods of acknowledgement led to sharing books after a while, which led to clandestine meetings and one thing after another requited lovers. A term so heavy in the beginning, all while y/n tried to convince herself it isn't more than a summer fling—yet Aleksander was a passionate, intense lover. Y/n would wrestle in her mind on exactly what they were however their relationship wasn't ever a grey area to Aleksander. He'd find himself smiling when he was with her, her ever so familiar embrace, after all these years the one person he felt like not hiding from. After he told her everything to his surprise she did not turn away, she looked at him the same.

It was a foreign reaction to him, showing his true self and remain the same in someone's eyes. After years and years of slanders and hatred on your name you believe yourself to be ignorant to them however a little bit of hope lingers...maybe someone might accept you. Someone who'd see you past what your hands had done, Aleksander had found that someone in y/n.

Leading out his hand for y/n to take he helped her get off her saddle on the horse "My love" he spoke smiling and held her close as he guided her into the meadow, they'd ridden quite farther into the sunset from little palace to get to the place Aleksander had arranged for them.

"Can you now at least tell me what is it you've planned?" Y/n said clinging ahead of his arm tilting her head.
"You are just about to see it, be patient!" Aleksander exclaimed intertwining her fingers with his as he walked with her, the meadow led to a small mat amongst the short of the grass and a tiny basket that overlooked the sunset.
"Aleksander..." Y/n gasped softly and looked back at him "You did this?" She asked quite puzzled, he was a hugely passionate and dedicated loved yet big romantic gestures weren't exactly his thing.
"Of course!" He replied with a grin, he was quite proud with himself that she liked it enough given it took him a lot of thinking behind this.
"Did you perhaps take a few suggestions from Ivan?" Y/n asked as they sat by the mat together, she was quick to join the dots.
"Hmm? Not sure what gave you that idea my love..." his voice trailed off, she was partially right. A conversation with Ivan did lead to this but the initiative was his own.
"Right..." She spoke raising a brow at him as he confessed eventually.
"Alright alright...I did have a conversation with Ivan about this I just wanted you to-"
"Well I love it." y/n spoke interrupting him mid sentence "Truly, I do. It's the gesture the counts after all."
Aleksander couldn't help but mirror her smile, she simply had that effect. He pulled her close to him by her waist and she settled herself by his lap wrapping her arms around his neck "Though I wonder how you know I asked Ivan?" Aleksander asked her securing his arms around her.
"Well if you must know I'm a part of the gossip-about-the-husbands council with Fedyor—well I'm an exception but I hear things" she giggled finishing her sentences, which left Aleksander amused if she talked about him in certain conversations.
"Would you like to change that?" He asked fixing the loose strand of her hair by tucking it behind her ear affectionately.
"Why would I want that? I very much so enjoy the council!" She replied shrugging with a chuckle.
"That is not what I meant..." his voice trailed off "I meant would you like to stop being an exception at your precious council?"
For a moment Y/n was taken aback thinking if he was actually hinting what she thought he was "As in...marriage?" She asked.
"Yes." He replied. "Marry me." Aleksander said and he sounded so sure y/n just stared at him blankly "I mean it. Marry me, y/n brekker. I have forever with you and I just don't want to let go off any of it.." he said, the forever was something they'd talked about prior when Aleksander told her about what he had one. There was a way for her to live out his days the same as him and she had agreed to that. "Wear my colour, take my name, we'll get your brother from ketterdam-your'd be so grand. I want that for us."
"Aleksander..." y/n exhaled holding the side of his face gently as he put his hand on top of hers "I want to marry you. I do. It's not even a massive step now that we have forever with one another...I just don't want us to rush it."
"It isn't rushing it I've known you for four winters now and I have thought about it my love—you are the one. I don't want to spend one more winter or summer or any season or any day where you're not mine." Aleksander replied firmly as she shrugged leaning to the side out of his arms, exhaling as she let herself lay by the mat.
"No that is not what I meant...I am yours. Forever yours. I don't mind marrying you either I'd be more than elated to get married just tomorrow in a nightgown. But I would like for us to be...this. Whatever this is for a little while. We have each other forever, in that fraction four winters isn't much of time." She continued as Aleksander leaned forward to her face as she lied on the mat but he had his arm supporting his head so he could see her face and be close at the same time "Think about it...many years from today when we would talk about our first meetings—the sentences that begin with 'before our marriage' this is that phase. I simply want to cherish it just a bit longer!"
Aleksander couldn't help but smile widely as she explained that, she had such a beautiful thought behind their forever. "You are a hopeless romantic aren't you?" He spoke placing a soft peck on her lips.
"Could you blame a girl?"
"I gather you are right...we could wait-it's not as if I am dying to be a topic of conversation at the husband's council nor am I ever leaving you" He joked corking a brow.
"Never?" Y/n questioned attempting to tease him.
"Even if the saints come down themselves." He assured her firmly.
"I will hold you to that" She spoke as he replied her with a kiss on the lips as it lingered lower to her neck, his beard tickling her there causing her to bust into laughter such joyous times and promises.
Thinking about it now y/n couldn't help but be enraged 'never' and to assume his never would've included him not dying on her. She knew she would get out of whatever place she was at right now, she knew Kaz would get her. Her brother always did. She had unwavering faith in him but with everything that happened in a span of mere days everything was so difficult to process, get over. She hadn't told Kaz about her relationship with Aleksander, in her letters she would leave that out. Now there wasn't a point telling him either ways Aleksander had left her, he had died. Kaz had y/n return with him to ketterdam the moment they'd realised what the sun summoner was in for. Kaz was not to leave his sister amongst the radius of someone like that, had only he know. Y/n did not know what things would escalate to when she got on that ship. By the time she got out, the general was announced dead, the crows set route for ketterdam and there she was. The weight of the chains, cuts on her face, the punches and wound by the rough hands of pekka's men hurt her far less than the painful reality of Aleksander leaving her. It was excruciating and it was unfair.

"And?" Kaz spoke raising a brow as Jesper hurried inside, he Jesper and Inej along himself look for y/n almost all of ketterdam.

"No trace of her." Jesper said catching her breath and so did Inej as she shook her head.

"It is difficult to check all places within ketterdam with the patrol out for us but so far she isn't anywhere." Inej added. "She hasn't been to the city in years, even with your relation there aren't many who would recognise her—this has to be leverage scenario"

"Pekka." Kaz spoke through gritted teeth, the only person who could be so resourceful as to kidnap the only other brekker he could get his hands on "He has all the people who could identify y/n for him, he has the men, the place—the reason."

"We will find her." Inej said trying to reassure him, for most matters Kaz did have his people go to extreme lengths for money but nobody had ever seen Kaz do so for his own blood. It was different, Kaz was hurried and tense and even more so stressed. Anyone would be Inej didn't even have to put herself in his shoes this time.

"The heartrender. Find one." Kaz reminded them with more instructions for next meet and the look out for y/n before they parted ways.

Let me know your thoughts on this :)
Hi best friend go drink water <3

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