Past midnight

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Prompt list request (tumblr)
• "When was the last time you slept?"
• "Why are you being like this?"
Warning: None 
Word count: 1.1k

It had been hours since the moon rose up, partly the dead of the night and y/n hadn't moved from her desk in her shared chambers with Aleksander. He wasn't there of course, he was hardly present in their chambers since he was busy with the sun summoner's arrival. Y/n was a materialki and she worked for the new keftas burning the midnight oil. They were short on people with everyone occupied in the winter fete so the new designs that provide more defence were on her shoulders. She went through new books and old manuscripts, generally it wont take this long to come up with a new layout that wasn't similar to the first one but she was doing it all by herself for the past three days which was getting exhausting but she was determined to finish it soon.
The large doors of the chambers opened with Aleksander stepping in while y/n didn't look up to see who it was, for one she did knew it was Aleksander-who else could it be at this hour? And his visits to their chambers were frequent at this time nowadays since he was busy the entire day, sometimes he won't even return to their chambers even at night. Y/n didn't complain about it even thought it brought her slight dismay. She knew he had to attend to his duties just like she had hers.
"And what are you doing still up?" Aleksander asked announcing his presence asked walking further inside.
Y/n didn't look up to see him with her head lowered in the books concentrated in working "I have got some work." she replied flatly.
"—It's past midnight."
"Already?" Y/n faced him in despair, she lost the track of time while working on her designs and it wasn't even halfway done.
He nodded leaning onto the desk she had books and pages spread all over and sat on the edge taking one of the opened books in his hands.
"I was referring that-give it back" Y/n led out an agitated huff and grabbed it back from his hands fast enough.
Aleksander frowned how she snatched it away as though it was worth millions. "Can't you finish this in the morning?" He asked placing his hand on the table which dropped the ink bottle.
"Aleksander!" Y/n scowled standing up quickly taking her important designs off the table with her. "You almost ruined it!" She said hurriedly placing a washcloth to get clean the spilled over ink.
"Apologies I didn't do it on purpose" Aleksander said in a calm tone, he concluded to deal with patience since he figured y/n had something going on otherwise she never acted this way.
"You aren't here the entire day and sometimes you don't even return at night-and when you do you just knock everything over?!" Y/n went on angrily wiping off the ink that had gotten to the edges of the books.
"So that's what this is about? Me not being around?" Aleksander asked her leaning off of the table and facing her from the either side.
"I—" y/n scoffed in surprise and stopped to look up at him "Why yes of course I was morbid when you weren't around! Everyone just waits the entire day for our Aleksander to be around so they can get on with their day and the sun just sets and gets up because of you and only you doesn't it?!" Y/n exclaimed in a high pitched voice though it looked like she was keeping herself from yelling.
"What are you on about it's just some ink..." He still had this calm explaining voice on.
"It's not just some ink it's three days worth of my work!" She went on cleaning it hurriedly trying to get the ink off which just made it smudge more but she was determined to wipe the entire table off.
Oh. "Alright alright-stop that—" he went around the desk gently getting a hold of her bicep walking her out of her workspace.
He stood in front of her taking the washcloth off her hand throwing it to the side "Are you alright?" He asked tucking the strands of her hair beside her ear.
"What?" Y/n asked irritated and narrows her eyes in utter confusion.
"How long since you've slept?" Aleksander asked look at her with soft eyes.
"I—I'm the only one working on this because everyone on my unit is busy with the fete I need to get this done soon." She was about to turn away from him when he grabs her arm gently with shoulders and pulls her back to him "You haven't slept in days have you?"
Y/n remained silent with her gaze averting everywhere in the room, the silence was enough for Aleksander to get the answer of his question.
"I knew it-you will exhaust yourself this way little dove just leave this for now and come to bed." Aleksander intertwined their fingers to walk over to their bed and y/n tugged him back.
"I know but I—"
"I'm not asking, you have to come to bed." He said firmly interrupting her midway.
Y/n exhales sharply nodding "Also-I am sorry for what I said earlier-that was unreasonable of me I was just frustrated and I don't get to see you a lot."
"It's completely alright I know you weren't having the best day." Aleksander said giving her a comforting smile to which she got closer into his arms burying her face into his chest.
Aleksander wrapped his arms around her reciprocating the hug, "Thank you" she muttered melting further in his arms. He smiled giving her a peck on the top of her forehead in response. The both of them stood there for a while and y/n still hasn't moved. Aleksander pulled away slightly lowering his face to look at her and y/n had her eyes shut, breathing steadily. "Y/n?" He asked softly but she didn't reply wobbly leaning onto the support of his arms. Aleksander smiled to himself at how peaceful she looked sleeping even though she had fallen asleep standing. He didn't feel like waking her up when their bedchambers were just adjoining to where they were standing. Instead he gently led his arms by her thighs lifting her in his arms and carried her to their bed bridal style.
Upon reaching their bed he carefully sat her up supporting her back and removed her kefta off of her before laying her down while she was still sound asleep. Later he got to his side of the bed next to her snuggling closer. "Good night my love" He whispered before drifting off to sleep himself.

An- This is the shortest one I've done so far (that's what she said LMAO)

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