Amongst the two of us

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Word count: 3.4k

Warnings: Period drama misogyny, arranged marriages, arguments, angst

An: This one was sitting in my drafts unfinished for so long and it was an alternate ending for another Aleksander fic which I never ended up posting but I worked on this one bc s2 darkling arose a LOT in me so oh well

There were two sets of council meetings ever since the General had married the lady y/l/n. For one her name weighed a lot of political power, being the noble lord's daughter, the princess it was a prestige to have that power at little palace, someone of that huge a name by the general's side. Well the General himself never cared for the affection of it all, he was too smart the man to see past any political benefit. Y/n, in the peak of her youth had dreams and hopes for her marriage which her soon crushed one after another with every bit of unfolding of her relationship with Aleksander, coming to realise she hadn't married an affectionate man, not even caring but someone just so powerhungry and cold he doesn't think twice to bend his morals. Is what y/n thought of him coming to know so more and more of him but remained not so phased after a while, a year into the marriage she would just look back thinking how foolish she it was to expect anything of the man she married.

Yet she thought it worked just fine, if she truly meant to marry for love she might've had a summer fling, elope with some stable boy and call it love to be living in some cottage far away...but no, she was destined for duties more than that. She had her own first army council at the little palace, the king's army. But the king never bothered attend. The Lady Kirigan, the princess, was considered capable with the set of officers she had for most decisions.

Your husband doesn't share a bed with you but at least you're the head of first army council meetings. Your husband rarely shares any intimate moments with you but at least you get to see him from camp base to camp base. And of course the most infamous facade of being the pair that does share affection for each other in the glamour dinner parties amongst drunk lords and ladies who believe it just fine.

Honestly on the political front the first army felt more liberated and open with less of the general's inputs given he wouldn't join their meetings anymore ever since Lady y/n was placed there neither were the first army officials...mortals rather, allowed in any second army business. "Leave, the room." Too much for uninterrupted business, the general barged into the meeting room where Lady y/n's first army officials were having an ongoing discussion given the maps and the reports laid out on the table. "I have some important matters I need to discuss with my lady wife." He announced as the matters seemed to be quite the work regarding, given he had a letter or document scroll in his hands and it was the general himself who visited.

With a short nod from y/n the officers left the room leaving the two alone, y/n did feel a tad affront on him just barging in through her ongoing meeting well aware he wouldn't have entertained it if it was the other way around but she wished for whatever matter it was to get done with sooner so she chose not to speak on it "What is it?"

Aleksander placed the letter in his hand on the table for her to read, as she picked it up he spoke "Its a letter to Lord Eldon, a dear friend of your father's who's not so particularly fond of me, we need his aid for more men by the Ravaka front since the second army is occupied by the fold but he wouldn't comply if the letter went from me" Aleksander let out a short scoff on the fact that some lord of a land that covers barely about 5 villages would be distasteful to him, the general, the shadow summoner. But in his opinion these noble lords were so petty about their allies and Aleksander knew he wasn't that friendly "I need you to sign that letter."

Y/n had her eyes fixated on the letter reading through till the end, the letter written in a first person way with wordings seeming as if she did write it herself "Did you write this?" She asked looking up from the letter.

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