Wedding theatrics

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Most star crossed lovers don't see their beloved after the fall for their love. Unlike Aleksander and his lady wife, who were still married. Years of marriage, marriage that began with a tender young love, blissful start which was dragged to the point of knives at each other's throats. What began from the blossom of chivalrous lovebirds, went from lovers quarrels to outright battle enemies.

Their spitefulness of each other made them question if the love they once held for each other was a mere illusion. Aleksander truly felt betrayed by his intuition, being around this long, how could one make such a lovesick mistake of marrying perhaps the most perfervid, torrid, frustrating, soul crushing vulture of a woman in all of Ravaka. Y/n too, felt the same of him yet stupid, wasted the brightest of her youth after him. How could she have known though? The beginning, prime of their relationship and then marriage was all she'd ever wanted. She married the man she of her own choice, unlike those ladies of court who're married off to some lord of some place. The general was all she's hoped for and more. However with time, their clashing opinions of councils brought distaste into their married life. Aleksander tried to change that, separated her unit from his entirely so their decisions wouldn't interfere. It was fine until one worked later than the other, half a fortnight worth of nights were spent sleeping alone. For the time being at least they weren't fighting the rest of the time they were together. To love someone is to fight to fix the bothers. Until the war took place, it was all blissful again.

Worse battles were fought behind closed doors and council meetings between the lady general and the general himself.

"It is all my fault!" Aleksander exclaimed throwing his hands in air to portray exaggeration "You cannot handle authority whatsoever-your decision making power is like that of an illiterate toddler with a pistol and I have given you a seat at the council!" 

"Shut your hole. Shut your hole will you?" Y/n said with a scoff as she crossed her arms not even slightly phased by his insult "You know all this melodrama because I refuse to send off more first army men for you to lead into slaughter? And who do you account yourself for? It is my father's armies and my house's role in warfare...I've had seats and bigger councils than yours!"

"All you've ever had to do for that is born. Given your skillset and mental capacity y/n, you wouldn't even make a good peasant." Aleksander responded, this entire scene unfolded amongst the other men of the council. There to discuss camps and aid management, who stood awkwardly in their places unsure wether to intervene or not.

The others present in that room was perhaps the only thing that stopped the two from giving to the sensual frustration all these arguments built between them. Aleksander spewed insults as his mind raced about devouring her on that very table, that is what generally shut her up. Him as well. "How dare you?!" Y/n seethed and lunged the wine glass in his direction. The red liquid poured over the torso portion of his kefta, y/n meant to drench his face but mistakenly aimed lower. Regardless she put the glass down at the table as he scorned.

"Have you lost your mind?!" He exclaimed, her antics never ceased to surprise him. Holding his drenched undershirt away to keep the wine from seeping further.

"Do not test my patience then" Y/n replied mildly neither of them having least bit of decency to behave affront the other council members. Aleksander's men and hers has probably seen worse of the two.

"It's a first army battle, we'll have the first army men fight it." Aleksander spoke sternly, he was just biased and before y/n nobody objected to his ways.

"Well then let the first army counsel handle it" she said with a shrug, "get out."

"Excuse me?" He raises a sharp brow, "you don't tell me what to do." not hurt just amused, no one had ever in all his life spoke to him in such manner and he'd never been in a position to not do something about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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