Soulmate AU

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Request by: QueenPurple1537

This is the one where the first words they say to you are on your wrist. If anyone wants me to do a different soulmate au I would love to do so!

A soulmate...

Everyone is supposed to get one right? So where is mine?! I've been on this Earth for far too long to not have one yet. I'm also a little worried though... I just hope they're nice. The words that have been on my wrist since birth aren't exactly the nicest.

I look down at my wrist with a sigh.
'Who are you and what in the hell are you doing down here?'

Yeah... that's not the best is it? I pull up my sleeves as I shake my head. Never mind all this soulmate nonsense for now, I got work today. I'll just think about my soulmate as I fall asleep tonight which will cause me not to sleep and only worry... nice!

I'm a dresser for the opera house. It makes me happy that I get to be one of the people to make a show great without actually being onstage. It's also a lot of fun interacting with the actors and becoming friends with them. Well... some of them. I'm quite lucky I'm not a dresser for Carlotta. She scares me. Fortunately, I've even had the honor to meet Christine Daaé. I help her sometimes but I'm not her dresser usually.

As I stand backstage helping one of the extras with their costume I see Meg Giry walk up to me. Once I'm done helping the person I'm working on I turn to her. At first I think something happened to her costume so I start inspecting her clothes but she stops me.

A giggle leaves her before she speaks, "Oh (Y/N) everything is fine. I just wanted to talk a bit before I have to go onstage."

Meg has only recently started talking to me. She's very outgoing and I see her talk to basically everyone who works backstage. It's nice that she also talks to me, I find myself enjoying our conversations.

A sigh of relief escapes me, "Oh thank goodness. Don't scare me like that again, Meg! Now, what would you like to talk about."

I see a smirk quickly appear on her face. Oh no, this is obvious where this is going. Her hand points to my wrist, "Soooooo, what does your soulmate say to you?"

My hand run through my hair nervously before I roll down my sleeve and show her. It takes her a second to read it but the look of surprise quickly shows. Our eyes meet again and she shrugs slightly.

"They seem pretty grumpy, don't they?" I roll my eyes as I cross my arms, "Oh really? I haven't noticed." It's silent for a moment before we both start laughing. Once I get a hold of myself I quickly point to her wrist. "Well, what does yours say? Is it really that much better than mine?"

The proudest smile is on her face as she shows me hers.
'Who do I have the honor of meeting today?'
Damn, that is a lot better than mine. It takes me a moment to collect my thoughts before I have the power of speech.

"You have a show in a couple minutes. You better get a move on." I playfully push her in the direction that she needs to go in. A happy giggle leaves her once again as she tells me goodbye, then she turns away and walks off to her spot.

During the show, I'm just busy running around getting things ready for when I need to help actors change clothes. Once the first intermission happens I happily sit down and drink some water. No one comes up to me but I'm fine with that, I need a moment to relax. Some eavesdropping does happen though... oops! Damn these darn ears haha.

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