Past the Point of No Return Part Two

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Request from: KatelovesSunandMoon


The months roll by so quickly as my pregnancy continues. Each month I get bigger and bigger, but Erik still loves me all the same. My emotions are all over the place; it's a gamble of when I'll be happy, sad, pleased, angry, or depressed. My mood changes are very tiring, but thankfully Erik does his best to help me in my bad moments. My body changes along with my mood changes have been very difficult. It makes me so thankful to have Erik as my partner for life. He has been going through changes as well.

Not long after I told him I am pregnant he realized his lair is no place to raise a child. It's dark and lonely and cold. A place to hide away in the darkness, when a baby should be able to grow up with the sun. The house itself is safe, but the surrounding area is very dangerous. If our child stumbled off into the maze of the underworld I am not sure they would survive. The lake is also a terrible fate if they fell into the freezing water to drown. A baby does everything they're not supposed to the moment you look away, and the underground is a death trap. Thankfully, Erik bought us a lovely new home.

   It is perfect for our new life. There is plenty of room for our child to run around and have good memories in. Erik and I painted the nursery; the walls are adorned with scenes of the rising sun and fluffy clouds dancing in the sky. A rainbow flies over where the crib is; it is perfect for our kid to point out every color. It surprised me greatly that Erik painted such a tranquil scene when his art tends to be on the darker side. During the days we painted the room Erik had a huge smile on his face, so I know he doesn't regret a thing. The rest of the house is beautiful too. Our styles mix together wonderfully with the gorgeous French Tudor architecture. The backyard is like a piece of artwork as well. A couple of trees create a cool canopy over us while the garden is speckled with color by the flowers. Erik built us a bench swing for us to relax outside on cozy days. I couldn't be more grateful for everything he has done for me and our soon to be here baby.

   Moving has been a huge change for Erik. His underground lair was not what others would deem as a home, but to him it was. He is used to the dark and echoing passages. He has learned that he does not deserve the sun, so he took comfort with the moon. He often hides away in his study or our bedroom with the curtains drawn closed. As the baby approaches, Erik has gotten more used to the sun. I have done my best to teach him that the sun will welcome him in, just like it does for every other person. He has accepted that more and more because he goes out more frequently. Despite his discomfort, he goes out for groceries whenever I am feeling too unwell to do so myself. He even goes out for the ridiculous things I end up craving. It is so sweet how he never finds them dumb. Whenever I feel bad about it he simply says, "I will do anything and everything for you, anything to help you with the life you're creating." He never fails to make me tear up.


   I groan as I plop down on the couch. My back aches and my front is heavy, and my feet are swollen from doing absolutely nothing. I am very tired even though I haven't done any of my chores. It will be a wonderful day once I am able to rest peacefully all night. Erik's head pops out from the door frame of his study, "Doing alright, my angel?" His voice drips in concern.

   "As alright as I can be, my love!"

   He smiles for a moment from the nickname, every name I call him makes him smile. He decides to leave his study for the first time all day, and he walks over to me. His eyes glance down to my stomach with worry. The closer I get to my due date the more worried he becomes; he is practically on edge all day as he expects the baby to decide it is a nice day to appear. I give him a warm smile to let him know everything is okay right now, and then I gesture to the other side of the couch that is calling his name. Erik lifts up my legs and sits down, then he rests my feet on his lap and he begins to rub my feet without me even asking him to do so. It's like he can read my mind. 

   I sigh contently as I rest my head back on one of the pillows that lie on the couch. I close my eyes and pay attention to his magic touch working my stress away. While he massages my feet hesitation flows through his fingers, I notice it immediately and open my eyes. "What's wrong?" I ask him with a gentle whisper. 

   Erik stops and glances at me with wide eyes; fear swims through the blue of his irises. He moves his gaze away from me, "Nothing, my dear. Don't worry." 

  He always has had trouble voicing his worries, but with the baby on the way it has been even worse. He refuses to come to me because I am already going through a lot and is scared to stress me out even more. Little does he know that his anxiousness is what stresses me out the most right now, all I want to do is help him. A grunt escapes me as I sit up which makes Erik gasp and turn back to me, once I am sitting I take a hold of his hands. My warm voice does its best to soothe his aching soul, "My love, do not lie to me. I am always here for you. What is going on?"

   "You know me too well," he says with a small chuckle. My hands squeeze his own while my thumbs feel over his bony hands. He stares at our hands for a few moments until he lets out a long sigh and looks in to my eyes. "I am scared about the baby. What if they come out with a deformity? Will they hate me forever because of the ruthless world I have tossed them into?" He laughs weakly and asks, "What am I doing? I will be such a horrible father. I have ruined everything all because I helped create them. I don't know what I'm doing."

   I pull his hands to my lips and press gentle kisses on his knuckles, then I hold his hands to my chest. I shake my head from everything he just spouted, "Erik, no! Our baby will never hate you, they will love you with all of their heart. It is okay to be scared, I am too, but you don't have to be. And who cares if they have a deformity? I will love them all the same, just like I know you will. You are going to be the most wonderful father, I know it. You already care about our kid so much and they're not even born yet! That proves you will be amazing."

   Erik hums sadly, it is obvious from his eyes that he doesn't completely believe that, hopefully he will one day. He shrugs with a defeated expression, "My expertise is with music and architecture and magic. It has been enough to get me by this far. Now I feel terrified; none of those things will help with this new challenge that lies before us. I'm clueless."

   I give him a warm smile and press my cheek to one of his hands, "This will be a learning experience, for sure. We have each other though. We can do this. When the baby comes I want you to promise me one thing...always ask for help. You have me and our friends. I think we will be lovely parents. You're so sweet and caring...and I'm sure the baby will pick up your musical abilities."

   He laughs with a twinkle in his eye. This talk seems to have relieved him of his worries, for now at least. "I hope that's all they pick up." 

   "Oh me too, I don't want them growing up crashing chandeliers and haunting opera houses!"

   He rolls his eyes at my teasing and playfully nudges me away. My arms wrap around him and I pull him down so his head rests on my chest. My hand feels through his wispy hair as he melts into my body. "Feel any better?" I ask quietly.

   "Yes, for now I do. Thank you."

   Erik hides his face into my clothes and we end up snuggling the rest of the day away. We try to focus on the positives instead of the negatives with our new approaching life. 

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