Erik finding you dead

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Request by: Willow2920
Sorry for taking a while I was busy and also didn't know what to write hehe

    I sigh as I set down my pencil and stretch my back against the seat. I've been sitting here for hours. Not even much to show for it, perhaps I need a break. Stepping away and coming back to working on my writing later might help me. A warm smile comes upon my face at the thought of Erik. I should go see him!

   The chair creaks when I stand up and as I push it back underneath the table. My body aches so for a few minutes I do some more stretches, now I feel more ready to go. Wait how do I get down there?

   Erik has shown me only once the correct way to get into the passageways and down to his lair while bypassing all the deadly traps he set. My issue is that he gave me that lesson quite a while ago and my memory isn't the best. Perhaps I should seek out another option.

I stand beside the wooden wall and knock three times, "Erik? Are you here?"


He's probably I can write for a good while but the opera ghost can go all night. If he's composing there's no way he'll be here right now. A sigh leaves my lips as anxiousness fills in me, is it right to figure out my on my own? There's a chance the passageways will look familiar to me and I'll be able to find my own way down there. Worth a shot!

Without a second thought I leave my dorm and make my way down the hall. The dancers chat amongst themselves about the upcoming production, they don't even notice me passing through. Soon enough, after a few turns, the storage room comes into view. It takes me a moment to pass through all the items in storage, they really should organize this place more. The stones become unfamiliar as I stare at them. Erik taught me to press one to open the wall to the passageways...which one? 

    After a few unsuccessful tries the wall opens, thank goodness. Grabbing a lateen on the way I make my way down the hall. It's darkness to the front and back of me, every wall is the same. It's like a maze!

   I rack my brain for the memory of Erik teaching me the way, I truly don't remember. It's all a blur. It's like he spoke a few words to me and suddenly we are at his lair...damn it!

   "This has has to be the way!" In a moment of determination I march forwards, my body moves me through the spooky corridor. Hope fills my chest, my brain doesn't remember the way but it seems like the rest of me does. Soon enough the corridor opens up to a bigger room with a few ways to go.

   Left, right, forward, or backward?

   My heart speeds up, I knew nothing before but now I'm even more clueless. Did Erik even take me this way?

   Right it is...the right way has to be right. It's Erik we're talking about he would make the person think. Anyone would think it would be left because it's the opposite of right, so he would make it the more obvious route...I hope.

   My feet stay in one spot as my uncertainty grows, after a couple a breaths I'm able to break the invisible hold on me and make my way down the right passageway. It looks exactly the same as where I started, panic begins to set in. It all looks the same...what if I'm lost? Oh god what if Erik never finds me?! I certainly can't find the way so there's no way I'll make it to his lair. I should've stayed in my room!

My body slumps against the wall while my breathing gets heavier, the darkness seems to grow in my eyes. Moving shadows zoom across the corner of my vision. Echoing creaks in the distance make me turn quickly to see if it's anything of concern. My hands shake as I hold them tighter on the lantern. Is my mind messing with me or is something down here?

Erik x Reader (One shots/ Scenarios)Where stories live. Discover now