When you break a bone

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Request: "If it's alright could you do a scenario of the reader getting badly hurt (like a broken bone or something) and how Erik reacts and or tries to help the reader with it?"
Request from: lostphoenixdream

   The backstage of the theater is practically packed with people. A big show is coming and obviously everyone wants it to go perfectly. I've been tasked with...tasks....

   Honestly, they're not really the most fun or crucial tasks to do. It's important I suppose but it just feels like I'm getting in the way of everyone else, they just give me a quick job to move me out the way. No one said that aloud but it's definitely what it feels like...

   "(Y/N)! Go grab those boxes and move them to the storage room! Then grab the new paintbrushes back there. We need them."

   A sigh leaves me as I look to where one of the artists pointed. Those boxes? Those heavy boxes? Me?!
How strong do they think I am? Oh well...

   The boxes filled with old paint cans, many different complicated art tools which I'm not sure what they do, and random old and broken props call my name. Upon further inspection they don't look that heavy, perhaps it was an overreaction on my part.

...Never mind.

   A low groan leaves me once I lift the heavy boxes. Lifting with my knees still doesn't do much for my weak arms. It somehow gets worse though since there are multiple boxes, they block my vision! Choosing the weak and clumsy person to do this job doesn't seem like the greatest idea. My head turns to glance at the artist who gave me the order but they're already busy on working with the next project. It's a small task...I can do it!

   While holding these tall, heavy boxes I also have to weave through the busy crowd. It's honestly hard to concentrate from the strain in my arms growing and hearing everyone try to talk over each other while working. My grip on the boxes tightens as some people accidentally bump into me, it's really a miracle I haven't dropped anything at this point.

   Thankfully, the collection of people dissipates the further down the hallway I go. There's a reason there's less people back here though: the opera ghost.
Erik to me...he means a lot to me. This is the one thing I enjoy, sometimes while coming back here he'll show himself to me and we talk. Sure, I visit him all the time, but the fact he takes the time to search me out too means a lot to me.

   It's a strange feeling but it's obvious when his eyes are on me, just this feeling comes over me and the whole room. It's nice...but he's not going to lend a helping hand? Alright..!

   The stairs come into view and another groan leaves me, almost there. I'm almost there. This is a bit scary though, these stairs are old and creaky and could honestly break at any point. There's been many complaints about the possibility of falling from it but no one has taken the time to fix it yet, everyone rather work on jobs for the upcoming opera instead.

   The best way to go down these decrepit stairs is to take it slow. Some of the boards are cracked and worn down so it's not too hard to avoid them if you're careful, the issue here though is these boxes block my vision. Taking multiple trips up and down these stairs don't seem like something I would want to do though. On top of that those artists are waiting for those paintbrushes, taking extra time is going to hold them up.

   A ominous creak fills the air as my foot presses down on the first stair. I try to peek my head around the boxes but that causes me to almost drop them. The possibilities of dropping these boxes or tripping down these stairs feel pretty high but I'm not one to back down from a challenge. A horrible terrible challenge!

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