Coffee [GOT7 JB] (Romantic, Cute)

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"Jagiya~." A voice called. You turned at the familiar voice and saw your boyfriend, JB, waving at you with a smile. You smiled back and hugged him tightly, breathing in his cologne. "Hi jagi." You said, looking up at him with a smile. "Sorry to make you wait. Let's go, shall we?" He asked. You nodded brightly. He put an arm around you and led you out of school, walking towards his car. He opened the passenger door for you and helped you inside, closing the door and going over to the drivers side.

He started the car and drove off school campus, driving over to the neighborhood dance studio where he practiced dancing with his friends. He parked near a coffee shop, and JB grinned mischeviously. "Jagi, wait here near the curb so we can walk across the street together. I'll be right back." He said, running out the door and into the shop. "Yah.....Aish, this kid." You muttered, getting out of the car and waiting outside.

As soon as you were starting to get impatient, he walked back out with two cups of coffee in his hand. "An iced mocha for you, and an Americano for me." He said with a grin, handing you your favorite cup of coffee. You gaped at him, taking the cup of coffee in your hands. "Dang it, JB. You make it so hard for me to be mad at you." You scolded. He laughed, taking your hand and leading you to the dance studio, opening the door for you as you entered. You went into the elevator, going up to the second floor where his practice studio was.

As soon as you entered, the boys tackled you in a hug, JB taking your cup of coffee from your hand just in time for it not to fall. You squeaked in surprise, almost falling from all the weight but Jackson kept you up. "Yah, you guys are heavy!" You exclaimed, laughing lightly. "Noona~!" Yugyeom called, smiling brightly. "We missed you; JB hyung is keeping you all to himself." He said with a pout.

"Yah, she's my girlfriend!" JB exclaimed, pulling you towards him again, putting his head on top of yours. "Don't be jealous, jagi." You joked, kissing his cheek and taking your coffee from him again."Don't forget; she's my sister." Mark said, poking JB's forehead as he made JB let you go. "Oppa!" You scolded, snuggling into JB again. "Yah!" Mark exclaimed.

Everyone laughed as Mark chased you around the room, JB standing by and watching with a smile. "Alright, guys, we have to practice." Jinyoung said, pulling you away from Mark's rage and sitting you down on the floor. You pouted and drank from your coffee. "Alright, let's start with Magnetic." JB announced.

The dance practice ended, the boys falling with a flop on the floor. You clapped excitedly, grinning brightly. "Wahh, that was amazing guys! You really have these dances down!" You gushed, jogging over to JB with a towel. He smiled and took the towel, kissing your forehead. "Thanks jagi. It's nice to know what you think." JB said, wiping his sweat.

You grinned brightly. "Do you think this will be enough for the talent show in school?" Jackson asked worridely. You nodded brightly. "Of course! Everyone will be blown away by your skills! You'll win for sure!" you exclaimed. Mark took you in his arms and ruffled your hair, his sweat getting on your skin. "Thanks sis, that's encouraging." he said with a grin. You screamed and tried to run away, struggling with his grip. "Oppa! Gross! Let go of me, you're all sweaty! Argh!!" you squealed, getting free from his grip with Jackson's help.

Jackson wiped away the sweat on you with a towel, chuckling lightly. "Wahh, you're really sticky." he said. "THAT'S MARK'S FAULT!" you exclaimed, and everyone laughed. You saw JB's eyes narrow at Jackson and he clicked his tongue, looking away. "JB?" you asked, and he looked at you. His gaze seemed cold, so you flinched, looking down. What did I do...? "Uhh... I'll go get you all some water, you can't get dehydrated. I'll be right back, kay?" you smiled brightly and took your purse, walking out quickly from the room and going downstairs.



The room was silent as soon as ____ left, everyone exchanging awkward glances. "Uhh...I don't think it's right for noona to be alone, soo..." Yugyeom quickly ran out of the room, closing the door behind him. "That maknae will probably get lost on the way, I'll go with him!." Jinyoung exclaimed, quickly running out after him.

Glances were exchanged between the remaining members, until finally Mark spoke up. "Okay, let's put an end to that awkward silence. We all saw the lasers coming out of your eyes as you glared at _____ and Jackson. What's the deal, why are you jealous? You know _____ isn't like that. Look what happened because you got jealous." Mark said, crossing his arms.

JB sighed, rubbing his temple.

"Hyung, you know I don't mean anything like that, It's just I sometimes forget that I shouldn't be so close with ______ since she is your girlfriend, sooo-" JB cut Jackson off, smiling lightly. "It's fine, it's fine, it should be me who's apologizing. I'm just...really protective of her is all. I just keep forgetting you guys are really close friends. You always have been. It's just..." JB looked over at the door, a smile tugging at his lips.

"I don't want to lose her. Not ever." He whispered, running a hand through his hair. "Me neither." A voice said. JB whipped around to see a smiling _____, with canisters of coffee in her hand. The members glanced at each other and all ran out of the room, closing the door with a slam.

A steady blush rose on JB's face, his eyes wide. "Y-you....heard that?" He stuttered. She nodded, making her way up to JB, putting the coffee down. "Every word. Well, almost. Just the cute ones." She said. JB chuckled, rubbing his nape. She smiled, getting a cup of coffee and shaking it lightly. "So, I have 8 cups of coffee and no members....?" She asked, looking up at JB.

She took a sip, and he got a sneaky idea. JB pulled her chin up and kissed her, tasting the coffee as it was passed between them. He pulled away with a devilish smirk, licking his lips. "We could drink them just fine." He murmured, kissing her cheek. A blush rose on her cheeks as he kissed her again, murmuring an 'I love you' in her ear.


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