b.a.p zelo & infinite L

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Cha In Ha played with her pencil, staring out the window in boredom. Today's History class seemed especially boring, and that wasn't working with her. She was itching to go out and find Myungsoo, or L as everyone called him. She loved to tease him, since he was always around her. He took care of her.

Finally the bell rang, and she gathered her things and ran out the room, running down the hall to L's locker, when she suddenly bumped into someone. She fell to the floor from the impact, her books scattering everywhere. "YAH!" She said in unision with someone, and she looked up to see a handsome, blonde haired man, tall with wavy hair and dark brown eyes.

She paused, gaping up at him on the floor. The man shook his head and looked down at her, gaping slightly. "Oh, m-mian, I didn't see you there. Here," he said, helping her up and dusting her off, his hands lingering on her shoulders. "T-thanks..." she murmured, looking down shyly. He looked her over, checking for any injuries. "I'm sorry again. My name is Zelo." He introduced. "I'm Cha In Ha." She murmured quietly. He was about to say something else, when an arm wrapped around her shoulders.

"Ya, Cha In Ha, I was looking for you! Aish, seriously, you'll get kidnapped one day-" He stopped, looking up at Zelo. "Who are you?" He asked lowly. "Myungsoo! This is Zelo, I accidentally bumped into him right now. Zelo, this is my best friend Myungsoo, but everyone calls him L." I introduced. They nodded towards each other awkwardly.

"Sorry, InHa here is a klutz. I learned that the hard way." L joked. I blushed red, hitting him lightly. "I am not a klutz, I'm just....clumsy." I said hurridely. The boys laughed, and my heart fluttered. What the heck was that? "Hey, I haven't seen you around. Are you new?" L asked. Zelo shook his head. "No, I just don't go out alot. I'm usually with Yonggkuk and the rest." He said

L and I froze. "Wait. Then that means you're..." I stuttered. Oh my gosh. L's eyes widened and he pulled me closer. "You're with B.A.P." He muttered. Zelo frowned and nodded. "Yeah, what's wrong?" He asked. "What do you mean 'what's wrong?! You guys are populars!" I exclaimed. "Populars?" He asked, tilting his head. "Kings of the School. Your group rules here, and if we get seen talking to you, who knows what rabid fan girls will do to us. Come on, InHa." L said pulling me away. "Hold on, w-wait!" Zelo exclaimed, but we had already rounded the corner and left.
I bit my pencil. I couldn't stop thinking about Zelo and I didn't know why. "Seriously though....of all people to run into, a B.A.P member! Though, he was really handsome..." I muttered to myself, twirling my hair. The door to my classroom opened suddenly and a student came in with roses in his hands.

"Um, is Miss Cha InHa here?" He asked awkwardly. "Ne?" I piped up, standing from my seat. "These are for you. From a friend." He said, and left the room. I frowned in confusion, and looked down to see here was a card attatched. "Sorry for running into you. I hope you're not hurt. --Zelo.⭐"

My eyes widened and I gaped. He didn't have to get me flowers... my face flushed and I smelled the roses, smiling to myself. My heart beat loudly again and I clutched my chest. What was up with my heart all of a sudden? I shook myself and slapped my cheeks. Let me just focus on class for now instead about worrying about useless things.

The bell rang and I gathered my things. "Ooh, secret admirer?" A voice said. I looked behind me to see Luna, my best friend since grade school grinning mischievously, "Ani! It's an apology present from a friend." I said quickly. She wiggled her eyebrows. "Mhm. So who is this mysterious friend? Is it L?" she asked. "Ani. It's..." I hesitated. Should I really tell her it was a B.A.P member?

"Cha InHa, we promised not to keep secrets from each other. I told you first when I got rejected by Dongwoo after you and L told me to confess my feelings. Now, you owe me for that so spill." She said. "Fine, sheesh, you're never gonna let me live that down, huh?" I muttered. "Nope." She said happily. I shook my head and gave her the card. After speed reading through it, her eyes widened and her eyes shot up to look at me. "Oh HELL no." She muttered. "Luna!" I scolded, hitting her.

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