Coffee makes everything sweeter (Monsta X)

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"There he is! Ugh, doesn't he look like an angel?" your friend whispered, eyeing a certain barista behind the counter. You glanced behind you, seeing the barista that had captured the hearts of several girls around the neighborhood. In this small cafe in the corner of the street near your apartment, 7 gorgeous boys made up the staff. Because of their skills (and mainly good looks) the cafe was always filled with girls trying to get their attention.

One particular one had caught your best friends attention. He had platinum blonde hair that faded into sapphire blue tips. He always had a flirtatious smile, and wore a shirt that seemed a little too tight, hugging the muscles of his body just right. His sleeves were rolled up, and your best friend drooled at the sight of his arm muscles as he dripped coffee. He was tall and muscular, with handsome facial features. You had to admit, it was as if he was sculpted by the gods. But you knew better than to try to go after him, so you usually just ordered coffee and did your homework, paying no mind to the eye candy flitting around. The boys knew you well since you were always here for coffee whenever you had an essay due, and gave you small smiles as they served the other customers.

"I have to say, Wonho is my favorite." Your friend said dreamily. You laughed, sipping at your latte. "I knew you would like him. You tend to go after the well-built ones. He's pretty flirtatious; but wait until you see Shownu and Jooheon. I think you might die." You joked, looking up to see the said boys coming your way with your order.

Your friends jaw dropped as Shownu put her plate of waffles down and gave her a smile. Jooheon gave you his famous dimpled smile as he handed you waffles with chocolate drizzle and a dot of whipped cream. Your favorite. You didn't even have to ask anymore; they saw that dazed look from stress and they immediately gave you your favorite order. They were lifesavers.

"(Y/N)! How are you doing, I haven't seen you around in a while. Has school finally been going well? " Jooheon asked, leaning against the table and kneeling down to look up at you. "Yeah, I'm on break right now. I've mostly been sleeping, so I haven't really been here much." You said sheepishly. He scrunched his nose, making a face. "Hmm, you should have come here more often. I missed you." Jooheon hummed. You laughed, your face warming up at his words.

"Wow Jooheon, you sure are the casanova." someone teased, and you turned to see Kihyun coming over with two cute ice cream sandwiches, one a panda and another a tiger themed one. "Oh those are so cute!" your best friend gushed. Kihyun smiled, setting down the tiger one in front of her and the panda one in front of you. "For the two lovely ladies, on me, since it's been a while since (Y/N) has shown her face around here. For (y/n)," he leaned down to your level, smirking as he got close. "Your favorite panda ice cream sandwich." You blushed darkly as he chuckled, brushing hair from your eyes and standing back up.

Your friend gaped at you as Jooheon elbowed his hyung, Shownu pulling at his earlobe, a nervous tick he often showed. "Did I hear someone say (Y/N)?!" an excited voice called, and you all turned to see Minhyuk rushing towards the group with a giant grin. "Minhyuk!" you called, laughing as he attacked you in a hug. "I missed you! It's only been a month or so, but it feels like it's been forever!" he whined loudly. You giggled, patting his head gently. "You are as emotional as ever, Minhyuk. It's not like I died or dissapeared mysteriously."

Mihyuk pouted, giving you the famous puppy eyes. "It felt that way!" he exclaimed. You laughed again as Kihyun pinched his cheek, Shownu tugging him away as Minhyuk struggled to get free. "So you really come here often..." Your friend said thoughtfully. You blushed, biting your lip nervously. "Well, only whenever I was stressed with work for class or needed a good place to study." you muttered. "So all the time then?" your friend teased. You playfully hit them, hiding your face as the boys laughed.

"We don't mind. We've gotten so used to (y/n)'s presence around here, when she suddenly stopped coming, we had no idea what to think. We missed you." Kihyun commented with a mysterious smile. The others boys hummed their agreement. "We even have your favorite order memorized already." Jooheon nodded towards the latte and waffles, grinning slightly. You laughed nervously, taking a waffle and munching on it. These boys will be the death of me...

"Well I think I'm gonna start coming here more often too." your friend said, turning dreamy eyes towards Wonho, who blinked unknowingly. You laughed lightly, turning to the boys. They were as handsome as always. " seven seem to be really friendly with (y/n)." your friend started, and you looked at her. What was she planning..?  Changkyun nodded slightly, looking over at you. He had a strange look in his eyes, one you couldn't recognize. "Well she is a regular we've gotten to know over time. Of course we'd be... friends with her."

Your friend shook her head, slyly sending you a look. "No, no, I mean...are any of you..interst-" you cut her off there, loudly laughing as you clapped your hands. "Actually, boys, I just remembered, are there still girls coming in and asking for your numbers every day?" you asked nervously. You kicked your friend under the table, shooting her a look. She pouted, rubbing at her shin silently. "Oh, yeah, haha. There are a couple, but the number has gone down a bit compared to how it was before. I think Hyungwon handles most of them now." Wonho said with a snicker.

"Talking about Hyungwon, where is he? He's usually here by now." you frowned, looking around the café once again. " Hyungwon is at the counter taking orders. I don't think he's noticed you're here..." Kihyun mumbled, walking off to find Hyungwon. "Hey, (y/n)." Minhyuk called. You turned to him, seeing him smile mischeviously. "How would you like to go with us to practice? You said before you disappeared you wanted to see us perform."

You gasped, having completely forgotten about the memory before now. "That's right! You guys have a studio now?" you asked. They all nodded, shy smiles shadowing their expressions. You were about to speak when arms wrapped around your shoulders from behind, and you jumped in surprise. "Ya Hyungwon, you know she hates being surprised!" Shownu scolded. You tried to calm your breathing as Hyungwon's handsome face came into view. He sat next to you, pouting slightly.

"Sorry. I forgot about that." he said sheepishly. "It's alright. I was wondering where you were anyways." you said shakily, giving him a reassuring smile. "So! Let's make plans." Changkyun exclaimed, making brief eye contact with Minhyuk. They shared a knowing look, and you frowned in confusion. "Let's take you to the studio on Saturday. One of us can drive you over there, and afterwards we can all go out."

"Well, the one who takes (y/n) gets to spend some time alone with her. It'll be like a date." Hyungwon said suddenly. We all looked at him, your friend giving you a surprised look. You both looked at the boys to see them glancing in between each other, a message going through each of their gazes. "So, (y/n)," Shownu started, leaning against the table with a smirk.

"Who do you want to go with?"


Hi everyone! I'm really sorry for not updating, I've been having problems with my stories. I can't get any inspiration for at of my works, so I'm at a complete stop in my writing because of it. I want to try something new with this.

I'm going to post a different member as a continuation for this short story, so this is just a set-up for the actual one-shot romance. Hopefully through this I can get some more creativity flowing back into me.

I'm sorry for the short update, but I want to work hard to make these for you guys, so please be patient and forgive me! I hope you guys will look forward to this

Thank you guys!

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