VIXX Ken ft GOT7's JB

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"YAH YOU PUNKS GET AWAY!" N exclaimed, chasing away a couple of boys who were near you. Leo made his way over and sat down next you, smiling slightly and handing you a can soda. "Here, drink." He said quietly. You chuckled and took the drink, bowing in thanks. The rest of the boys sat down, and N returned to take his place at your other side. "These punks think they can do as they please. Tch, that'll teach them to come near our ____" he hissed, raising his head in pride.

"N, don't be so protective. I'm not a little girl." You said with a giggle. "You might as well be my own child!" He gaped in shock and took you in his arms, stroking your hair possessively. "We've been with you since childhood, (y/n), and pardon N for being possessive, but you're like a sister to us. It's natural for us to be a little possessive of you." Hongbin said with a chuckle.

"Alright, alright, I get it. But at this rate, I'll never have a boyfriend!" You joked. The boys laughed, though something seemed awkward about it. Glances were exchanged, and you frowned slightly, but shrugged it off. "____~" Ken said, calling your childhood nickname cutely. "Hmm?" You turned to him.

"You know your birthday is coming up right?" He asked. You blinked, and the boys laughed. "Yah, noona, how could you forget your own birthday?" Hyuk scolded. "Yah, don't blame me! You guys keep me so busy I lose track of things."you grumbled, a blush making your cheeks hot. The boys laughed again, shaking their heads.

"Well, we're gonna take care of you for your birthday this year!" Ken exclaimed, grinning widely. "How so?" You asked, tilting your head. "That's a surprise." Ravi said with a wink. You rolled my eyes at his cheesy wink, shaking your head. "Seriously, how come only Ken can make winking cute?" you asked, and everyone looked at you. "Really? You think my winking is cute?!" Ken said excitedly. "Of course. You're the only one here who can do aegyo naturally and correctly. Sorry maknae." You joked.

He laughed, shaking it off. "Ani, I'm relieved. I hate doing aegyo." He said with a sigh. "Well don't worry your young little head, you're excused from doing aegyo with me."you said with a smile, standing up. "Where are you going?" N asked almost immediately, and you smiled.

"I have to meet someone today, but I promise I'll come by the practice room later on. Annyeong!" You exclaimed, running off.
"Oppa!" You called, crashing into JB in a hug. "Hey there's my favorite girl. How have you been? Wah, you look so skinny, are you not eating? You're not dieting are you?! If you are, I wont--" You cut him off, slapping your hand over his mouth.

"You talk too fast. No, I'm not dieting, I'm just small and skinny. Yes I'm eating, alot thank you." You answered him. He smiled charmingly, putting an arm around you. "Good, I can't have my little cousin being unhealthy now can I?" He said, pinching your nose. "Yah, oppa!" You exclaimed, hitting him lightly.

"Alright, alright, I'll stop. Let's get you dinner, shall we?" He smirked and grabbed your hand, dragging you off to a street vendor nearby.
The VIXX boys were hiding nearby watching ____ with wide eyes. "What the hell does he think he's doing?! Who is this clown?! How dare he lay his hands on my precious child!" N ranted, almost chasing down the pair if it wasn't for Leo holding him back.

"Hyung...." Hyuk said quietly, and everyone turned to see a tear falling down Ken's cheek, his head down and face shadowed. "Oh, Ken...." N murmured, enveloping his younger brother in a hug. "I'm fine hyung, just...shocked." Ken murmured, smiling brightly.

N's heart broke as he rubbed Ken's back. "No, you're not." He whispered. "You guys stay here, I'll go with Ravi and pretend we were going to the practice room and check to see what's going on." Hongbin said, walking over with Ravi over to the pair.
"Wahh, they all look so good!" You squealed, taking a piece of funnel cake in your mouth. JB smiled, but it dropped as he looked behind you, pulling you closer. You frowned and turned to see Ravi and Hongbin, making their way over to you.

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