Got7 Youngjae and Monsta X Jooheon pt. 1 (Romance)

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You turned at the sound of your name, seeing one of your best friends run up to you. He was heaving for breath, clutching his ribs as he wheezed. 

"Hey, are you alright?" you asked them, leaning down to look at them in concern. He nodded quickly, standing up to his full height to look at you. "Yeah, you know I'm not that athletic." he grimaced. You rolled your eyes at him. "Seriously, how many times have I told you to excercise, Jooheon?"

He looked offended even at the mention of excercise, crossing his arms into an 'X'. "Are you kidding me? I'd die. Besides, you've never excercised a day in your life!" he shouted. 

"Yeah, but I don't get winded after a couple minutes of running." you retorted, turning around and continuing your walk to the cafeteria, Jooheon scrambling to catch up.

The lunchroom was packed with students, all with their own friend groups and chatting loudly, filling the cafeteria with noise. You sat down at an empty table with Jooheon, pulling out your lunch from home. The chattering noise suddenly died down, and you didn't even have to look to know who had come in.

"Oh, it's the boys." Jooheon commented, nodding behind you. You turned around to see the 7 gorgeous boys who were the most popular in the entire school. Mark, Jaebum, Jinyoung, Jackson, Youngjae, BamBam, and Yugyeom. They were the most sought after boys on the entire school, for darn good reason.

Mark was a rather quiet guy, but incredibly sweet. He was always helping out students who needed help, such as helping a kid who got his books knocked down by some idiots running by. He also was incredibly smart; he was top of the senior class. It was incredible how someone with his good looks was practically an angel on earth. It almost wasn't fair. 

Jaebum was kind of the leader between the boys. Although he wasn't the oldest, the other boys respected him greatly. He never stood by if he saw someone get bullied or if anyone was getting treated unfairly, and that stood for both students and teachers. He never let a teacher get away with mistreating a student, and vice versa. He was a bit intimidating however, so no one dared to defy him.

Jinyoung was a charming man; handsome and could get anyone to do anything he wished with just his words. He was a bit more honest than the others, and often made remarks that could hurt if taken to heart. However, he was kind and looked after his loved ones well. He showed he cared in the smallest things, such as wrapping a girl in his jacket after she was soaked from the rain, or silently passing his lunch to a student who happened to forget theirs and didn't have the spare money to buy one. He was always with Jaebum, those two being friends since childhood.

Jackson is an amazing human being. He is a very bubbly man, often seen in a happy mood and a huge grin on his face. He loves to make everyone laugh and is the biggest sweetheart. His kindness shows no bounds, and whenever he makes up his mind to something, he always commits. He is athletic and strong, but he has never hurt anyone, and many believe he never would.

Youngjae is believed to be an actual ray of sunshine. He is rather shy, but friendly whenever he gets comfortable. His laugh can make a person smile no matter what. Whenever he was neutral faced, however, he can be a bit intimidating. His demeanor changes completely and people usually shy away from him whenever a smile isn't on his face, which is a rare occasion. It's usually never a good sign whenever Youngjae isn't cheerful.

BamBam and Yugyeom were mischevious. Both towered over most of the students in the school. They were the handsomest and tallest in the sophomore class, and they were very popular among all groups. They stuck together most of the time, whenever they weren't seen with the other boys at least. They teased people often, and are known to be class clowns. Teacher's usually liked them, so they let them mess around in class often. 

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