Jealousy [Romance, Cute] (SHINee Jonghyun)

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You felt Jonghyun's arm wrap around your waist, bringing you back against him protectively. "Jagi, I don't like how those dudes are staring at you." He pouted. You chuckled, turning around and hugging Jonghyun. "Jonghyun, it's a school reunion. They're probably trying to scrape their brains together trying to remember who I am." You said with a chuckle. You had gone to your high school reunion, and brought Jonghyun along. He was happy to go and get away from the studio for a little while, and he was eager to meet your old high school friends.

Though, no one would believe you were dating SHINee's Jonghyun...

"Jagi, I'll go get you some punch." He said, kissing your cheek and walking off. You smiled sweetly, when someone tapped your shoulder. You turned, seeing a handsome man, towering over you. "Are you (Y/N)?" He asked hesitantly, his voice deep. You nodded shyly. He grinned, hugging you tightly. "I thought that was you! It's me, Jooyoung!" He said. You gasped, remembering your old friend.

He was a small, shy kid back in high school, with glasses bigger than his face and a messy haircut. He was in music class with you, and you had saved him from being bullied more times than you could count. He was smart, quiet, and sort of antisocial, so you were considered his first friend.

Wow, he had changed. No, that was too far off. More like transformed!

He was now tall and handsome, his glasses exchanged for a, thankfully, smaller size, his clear eyes shining. He was wearing a Navy blue stylish suit, looking amazing. His messy black hair was neat now, his bangs shadowing his eyes. His smile was brilliant, almost blinding you.

"Oh my gosh, Jooyoung! It's so good to see you!" You exclaimed, hugging him tightly. He laughed, pulling back and giving you a once-over. "Wah, you look amazing as always. You haven't changed. I could still recognize that pretty smile from miles away." he said. You laughed, hitting him lightly. "I wish I could say the same thing about you. How have you been, Jooyoung?" You asked.

"Good, actually. Great. I'm actually CEO of my mom's company now, we make women and men's fashion. That's why I went through a bit of a....change." he said with a chuckle. "Change doesn't begin to cover it." You joked. You felt a hand snake around your waist tightly, and you turned to see a rather annoyed Jonghyun.

Oh, here we go.

"Who are you?" He asked sharply, drawing you closer. You sighed. "Jjong..." you said, drawing his gaze to you. "Meet my high school best friend, Jooyoung." You said, introducing the two. Jooyoung smiled brilliantly and bowed, extending his hand. "Pleasure to meet you." He said politely. Jonghyun took his hand, casting a wary stare at Jooyoung. "He's your friend..?" He asked. You nodded. "Yes Kim Jonghyun, so stop being over-protective." You said, flicking his nose.

He pouted, his puppy eyes going into full effect. "Your boyfriend's handsome." Jooyoung said. "Thank you." You said, kissing Jonghyun's cheek. He beamed, looking at you in pleasant surprise. "He looks familiar..." Jooyoung said, when a squeal was heard. We turned to see a group of girls, all looking at Jonghyun in shock. "Here we go." You muttered. Jonghyun squeezed your hand, interlacing his fingers with yours.

"Omo! Kim Jonghyun-oppa! What are you doing here?!" One of the girls said. You recognized her to be a popular girl from way back when, and you silently smirked to yourself. "I'm here to support my girlfriend." Jonghyun said bluntly. "Eh?! Who here is lucky enough to be your girlfriend?" She exclaimed. Jonghyun held up your hands, their eyes widening at seeing him hold your hand. "(Y/N)." He said.

"Wait! That's SHINee's Kim Jonghyun?!" Jooyoung said, things finally clicking in his head. You nodded with a giggle. "B-b-b-but..." the popular girl stuttered, looking between you two. "But what? We've been dating for a year now and we're happy. If you were a true fan you would be happy for us as well." Jonghyun said, eyeing the girl. She stayed quiet and finally nodded, running away a few moments later.

"Jonghyun..." you murmured. He looked back at you and smiled, kissing your temple. "Wah, you really lucked out (Y/N). You finally got the man you deserved. I'm happy for you. A little sad too, but I'm happy all the same." Jooyoung said with a smile. "Sad?" Jonghyun asked. "(Y/N) was my first love." Jooyoung said. I felt Jonghyun tense, and he pulled me even closer. Jooyoung noticed and laughed, shaking his head.

"Don't worry, she shot me down a long time ago. Though, that helped me get my head on straight and I started working even harder. I changed, I got successful, and I found my perfect someone thanks to her." He said, showing the ring on his left hand. You grinned, looking down. " Ah yes, your new wife, my sister." You said with a giggle.

"Hey, you introduced us." Jooyoung said, and we laughed. Jonghyun finally relaxed, rubbing his nape. "Sorry, I'm just overprotective." He muttered. "It's fine. I'm glad you're treating her so well." Jooyoung said, patting Jonghyun on the shoulder. "Well, your sister is waiting for me at home, so I should probably get going. You know she hates going to these things." he said with a chuckle. You laughed, giving him a hug and waving goodbye. Jonghyun turned to you, looking away. "I don't know how to feel. Are all your guy friends that attractive?" he asked. You giggled, pinching his cheek. "The only guy friends I have, other than Jooyoung, are the SHINee members so.....yes." you teased. "Yah!" Jonghyun exclaimed, turning away with a pout.

"Aww, you're so cute when you're jealous!" you exclaimed. He pouted and looked away. "I only get jealous because you're mine! All mine!" He said, grabbing you and pulling you close. You blushed at the words, looking away. "Yah." You muttered. He smirked, kissing you softly. "So cute. Now who's cute embarrassed?" He asked, teasing you. "Yah!" You whined. Jonghyun smirked again and laughed tugging you away. "Let's continue this at home. I have to punish you for making me jealous, don't I?"

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