BTS Jin [Mother's Day Special]

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"Omma!" Your son cried. You ran into his room, looking around. "What is it baby?" You asked. "Where's appa?" He whimpered. You smiled sadly and picked him up, rubbing his back comfortingly. "It's alright, aegi-ah. Appa is busy with his job, you know that. He promised he would come back soon, k~?" You crooned.

He nodded, his lip quivering. "Now, who wants macaroni?" You asked happily, running back out just in time to see the burning macaroni. "Aish. What will I do now?!" You hissed. "Maybe I could help." A voice said. You turned to see your husband Jin at the door, a grin on his face with flowers in his hands "Yeobo!" You said in shock, staring at him as he went up and kissed your forehead.

"Appa!" Your son cried, running up to Jin. You took the flowers from him as he leaned down and embraced his son, a huge smile on his face. "I missed you both so much." He muttered. "What are you doing here? I thought you had a schedule." You said. "I can't leave my wife, and the mother of my child, on mother's day, alone. What kind of husband and father would I be? Besides, I missed my family." He said, picking up your son.

"Yeobo...." you murmured. He smiled and kissed you, giving you your son. "I came at a good time. I'll cook, yeobo." He said, going to the kitchen. "Honey, just came back from work." You protested. "And today is your special day. Don't argue and sit down, entertain our baby, and I'll tell you what happened at work today." He said with a smile. You smiled at his tone and sat down at the dining table, taking your son with you.

"So, Jungkookie decided today to do some extreme fanservice..." Jin started, and he started to tell the story of how fans went crazy when the maknae 'proposed' to all of his fans at the concert today, and how J-hope almost died laughing on stage because of it. Jimin immediately protested, saying the fans were his, and they started to argue, V joining the fight later on, until finally Suga ended the argument by saying the fans were already taken by him and running off stage.

By the time he finished, dinner was done, a great steak and salad with mashed potatoes for both of you and macaroni with juice for your son. He served you wine and sat down next to you, smiling brightly. "To my beautiful wife, and to my wonderful family. I couldn't ask for anything more, my life is perfect as it is." He toasted.

You smiled, getting emotional, and raised your glass. "To our family, and to my husband. I really don't deserve you." You said. "That's my line." He joked, winking at you. You giggled. "Omma! Appa! I wuv you!" Your son said, crashing into you in a surprise hug. "Agh! I love you too, baby! That hurts!" You joked. "Don't hurt omma son. Here, come to appa, I'm more sturdy than momma." Jin joked, taking your baby.

You watched as your husband fed your son, eating his own food in between bites, and you laughed. You loved that your husband could cook, he was a gift. How could have you, a lonely fan, have gotten a wonderful idol husband such as Jin, and start the family of your dreams with him? Being a fan no about dreams coming true.

It all started at a fan signing event. Bangtan Sonyondan, one of your favorite groups, had a fan event near where you lived. You were never Jin biased, in fact you were Jungkook biased, or Jimin biased. But one day, a guard was harassing you because he thought you were a sasaeng, trying to get in to kidnap your idols or something. The guard had pushed you a little too hard and you hit the wall, sliding down to the ground. Your vision went blurry and when it returned, Jin was in front of you, arguing with the guard and shoving him away.

He rushed to you picking you up with surprising strength and taking you to their dorm, since they couldn't take you to a hospital without people suspecting something. When you woke up, he was right next to you, tending to your injuries. "Are you ok? I can't believe he would do this to a woman, one of my fans no less. Don't worry, I'll make sure he gets what he deserves. But for right now...." He tended to every one of your whims, however small and no matter how much you protested. When you got better, he reluctantly let you go, giving you his number, just in case you needed him again.

Needless to say, his members dared him to call you after finding out he liked you at first glance and he asked you out on a date. Ever since then, you started to date, fell in love, and your life with him started.

You smiled at the perfect scene in front of you. You would never give it up for anything, and you smiled. "Yeobo?" Jin called, shaking you out of your memories. "I'm sorry honey, here, let me help you with that." You laughed taking your son and feeding him as Jin cooked. "I love you." Jin said suddenly. You laughed, not surprised. Jin had that habit of randomly expressing his thoughts or feelings at the moment to you, so you heard it alot, and needless to say, you loved it, and needed the confidence.

"I love you too jagi." You laughed, kissing him lightly on the lips. "Eww, mom, that's grossss!" Your son said, squirming out of your arms. "Oh really? What about this?" Jin joked, kissing all over your sons face. "Ahhhh! Appaaaa!" He cried, running away. You laughed as you saw Jin chasing him around the room, hugging yourself. You wouldn't change this for the world.
Luna here~! Welp, I'm happy to say that SCHOOL IS ALMOST OVER THANK YOU LOOOORRRDDDD *dances around the room* all I have left are finals and I'm DONE. (Of course I still have band camp but y'all don't need to know about that)

Anyways, I'm sorry for not updating at all, but trust me, I have a TON of stories just lying here collecting dust and I'm about to set them free into the world for you to read, hopefully you like them ~

And for those who have requests I'm soooooooooo sorry I took so long, I feel so guilty please forgive me, but I've been really busy with school and family, so hopefully I can make up for it with the updates I'll do after finals. You won't wait long, I promise, so please make wait a little longer! I hope you don't hate me! :(

*whispers* LOVE MEEEEEEE!!!!!! (Sorry yeah I'll leave now bye!)

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