Routine (Vixx N)

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That was the only word that flitted through your mind once you saw him. His entire body emanated an aura that drew in peoples gazes, no matter what they were doing. He would simply walk down the street and people would turn their heads to watch him stroll by, simply because they couldn't resist. He was stunning. A man that seemed to be sculpted from the hands of whatever deity was up there.

Cha Hakyeon was probably your biggest weakness, and he barely even spoke to you.

The way he strode so confidently, the gleam in his eyes whenever something peaked his interest, the way his voice was deeper in the morning, his sleepy eyes, the way he smiled after tasting the coffee, and...whenever he smiled at something you said, it made you melt. Everything about him made you fall hopelessly in love, and you only ever muttered two words whenever you saw each other.

Every single morning, he would come in to get a cup of coffee before work, in a small café where you worked. Espresso, the same every single morning. Some staff would sometimes come back throughout the day to get him a refill. Finally, he'd come back again near closing time to get coffee and something sweet to snack on, only to repeat the cycle the next day. His job as CEO was obviously tiring.

You could never get used to seeing his handsome looks, no matter how many times he came in. You would stutter every time you worked the register when he ordered, and your hand shook as you handed him his cup. He would only ever say a simple thank you, glancing at you with his onyx eyes before walking back out. Your heart pounded rapidly at that simple, short exchange, and you couldn't believe you were being so...affected.

You had gotten used to the routine. Over the couple of months since you started working there, it became almost normal. Until one day, the routine was broken.

Hakyeon came in for his usual morning cup, but you noticed someone lingering outside. His hood was drawn up, shadowing his face in the early morning light. You could tell it was a man, tall and lean. His hands were in his pockets, and he glanced inside the coffee shop. Your eyes instinctively narrowed at the suspicious man. He looked like he was tailing Hakyeon. The man kept fidgeting nervously, glancing back at Hakyeon from time to time.

Hakyeon usually hated being flanked by bodyguards at all times, so he usually sent them away when he was taking trips to the coffee shop. It was obvious at the way he glared at them whenever they refused to leave him alone. You guessed it was because he hated the attention it got him. If someone wanted to hurt him, these trips would be the perfect time. No matter if you knew the handsome CEO personally or not, you couldn't stand the thought of anyone getting hurt when you could do something about it.

"Um...Mr. Cha?" you called out. Hakyeon looked up from his phone, surprised to hear your voice. It wasn't a part of the usual routine. "Your bodyguards aren't with you at all today?" you asked timidly, glancing back at the suspicious man outside. Hakyeon frowned, tilting his head to the side. "No. I usually don't want them drawing attention in a quiet place like this." he answered slowly.

You bit your lip nervously. You didn't want to panic him by saying 'Hey, looks like someone is outside tailing you. What are you gonna do without any bodyguards?'. But at the same time, in the short time it takes to walk across the street to get back to his company, that man could hurt him. In the time you were conflicted on what to do, the barista finished Hakyeon's coffee and handed it to you. You slowly turned to face Hakyeon, who looked at you with a confused frown.

You sighed shakily and walked around the counter, handing him the coffee. He looked at your face for a while, and finally nodded his head, muttering his usual thank you. You panicked as he sidestepped you, and you looked back at the man. He was walking inside the coffee shop, slowly pulling his hand from his pocket. His eyes were fixated on the man that was your weakness in every single way, and before you realized, your legs were already moving.

An idea came into your head, and your body started to carry it out without you even realising it. You grabbed Hakyeon's piping hot coffee from his hands and turned around, taking the lid off and throwing the hot liquid at the face of the attacker. He gave a shout and grabbed his face, the blade that he was pulling from his pocket clattering to the floor. People gasped as they realised the situation, some screaming and some rushing to get out of the cafe. Hakyeon stared at you in shock, glancing at the man and back down at the knife on the floor. The attacker gave a growl and pushed you down, sidestepping Hakyeon as he fled out of the cafe door. Hakyeon's eyes widened as he looked between you and the door, finally choosing you as he rushed towards you.

"Are you alright?!" he exclaimed, his eyes scanning over your face worridely. "Yes, I'm fine...though that's gonna bruise in the morning." you tried to joke, rubbing your aching arm. He fell into a shocked silence as he stared at you, and you squirmed under his intense gaze. You weren't used to this. This wasn't like the usual routine between you. "I...I noticed him lingering around the cafe. I didn't want to alarm you just in case it was just me being paranoid, but I'm glad I noticed. I kind of just reacted when he tried to attack you. A...are you sure you aren't hurt?" you asked timidly, not wanting to look at him. It was gonna be so awkward between you now...

"How could you do that?" he whispered. It was so quiet, you thought you were hearing things. "I'm sorry, what?"

His eyes flicked up to your own, and you flinched at the strong, piercing gaze. It was an emotion you couldn't quite place, but you had never seen him like this before. "How could you just risk your life for me?" he exclaimed. Your eyes widened at his tone of voice. He seemed angry and confused, yet his expression was unchanging and neutral. Almost cold. You opened your mouth, yet nothing came out. Truth was, you didn't know why you risked your life. Despite your small crush on the man, you barely knew anything about him other than his regular orders of coffee. There was no reason to. And yet...

"I couldn't help it." you admitted, quiet. "What?" he asked, and you swallowed nervously. "I said I couldn't help it." you spoke up. "Before I even noticed, my body was already running in front of you. I just thought....I had to do something, even if we weren't anything more than strangers. So...I couldn't help but do something." you finished quietly. You looked down at the ground, turning over your scratched hand that tried to break your fall. For this man that captivated you at first couldn't help it.

Hakyeon was quiet for a while, before finally scooping you up in his arms, helping you stand up. He set you down gently and tried to scan your expression again, before sighing helplessly. "I'm taking you to a doctor to get that arm checked. After that...we'll talk about what I can do to repay the person who just saved my life."A smile spread across his handsome face, and your heart jumped in you chest. The guard he usually kept in his expression was gone, replaced by a gentle expression. His smile was unlike the ones you usually saw from him; genuine, gentle, and seemed to light up his entire expression.

You couldn't control your rapid heart beat, or the blush that was coloring your cheeks, and in that realised how screwed you really were. This man who you knew practically nothing about. The man who came in with under eye bags from pulling an all-nighter with papers, the man who would snort at his bodyguards for sticking out like a sore thumb. The man who everyone couldn't help but watch as he walked into the cafe, the man who would send chills down you spine with just a touch or a smile, or a look.

Cha Hakyeon, without doing anything special, managed to make you fall head over heels for him.

"Come on, let's get you checked out." he broke your nervous train of thought, nodding to your boss who could only sputter an 'ok'. He put his hand on the small of your back and you tensed, hyper aware of everything he did. Your eyes flicked back up to his face, and you gave a small smile.

Maybe, just maybe...

This break of routine...was a good thing.

You guys, I'm sorry for being away for so long! I hope you enjoy this and let me know if you maybe want a part two with more romance? I know there wasn't much in this chapter but I just felt like making a slight drabble of sorts.

If any of you are also reading my other story 'The Garden of Eden' , i'll also be updating shortly on that so look forward to it!

Thank you for reading!

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