[B.A.P Yongguk] (Romance) Pt. 1

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You felt a poke on your side, making you whine softly. "Jagi." a deep voice called, making you stir from your sleep. You sighed and opened your eyes to see your handsome boyfriend smiling down at you. "Good morning." He said with a smile. "Morning Yongguk." you answered groggily. He smiled and kissed your forehead lightly, pulling you closer to him."Don't you have work today?" you asked. "Ani. I'm on break day today because Himchan is going to see his parents." He said. "So you're gonna be here all day?" you asked hopefully. He gave a smile and nodded.

"All day."

You grinned and quickly sat up, kissing him on the cheek. "Why didn't you tell me before?! I would have planned things today, dinner, a nice date, a picnic-" You rambled, but he only laughed in response. "Jagi, it's fine. Today, just spending time with you will be enough." he said with a sweet smile. "You're too much." You said jokingly. He grinned and pecked your lips, rolling out of bed and jumping up. "Get dressed. I already planned everything out today ahead of time so you wouldn't worry." He said with a sly wink.

You shook your head and stood up, fixing your pajamas and following Yongguk to the bathroom. He passed you your toothbrush with toothpaste already on it and you started to brush your teeth together. As soon as you finished, you went to to make breakfast, when he wrapped an arm around you. "We're gonna eat out for breakfast, so just get changed." He murmured against your ear, and you shivered. "Alright." You said. He smirked and pecked your forehead, turning to find his own clothes.

You picked out a gray long-sleeved shirt and black leggings with a red scarf for the spring chill, slipping on boots. Yongguk put on a form-fitting black long sleeved shirt on with jeans and sneakers, brushing his black hair back. "Ready?" He asked. You nodded as you put on the finish in touches on your make-up, and followed him outside to his car. "Where are we going?" You asked.

He put a finger to his lips. "It's a secret." He said. You rolled your eyes and hit him. "You and your surprises." You said. He laughed and drove off down the road.

You arrived at a quaint cafè, the inside warm and comforting as you sat on a booth. A pretty waitress came over and took our orders of coffee and waffles, a milkshake on the side for a little sweetness. "When did you find this place? It's so pretty." You said on amazement, looking around. "I went here one day with the boys. We found it looking for a quiet place to go, and I saw it and thought how it would be amazing for a date." He explained, sipping his coffee. "Do you always think this far ahead?" you joked, sipping on your milkshake. He shrugged teasingly and winked at you. "I have alot more things planned for today."

You blushed and slapped his arm as his deep laugh reverberated across the room, and his gummy smile flashed at you. God, how you loved that smile. That smile was everything to you. It had pulled you out of many a dark time, and you were so thankful to him. You couldn't love him more. He brushed a stray piece of hair out of your face, and leaned across the table to kiss your cheek.

"You're so cute." He said with a deep chuckle, leaning back and sipping at his coffee. "Flattery will get you nowhere." you joked, where in reality, it was the exact opposite, and he knew it. He would worm his way out of your fury or fights with sweet phrases and words, and of course you just melted because it was him. Sometimes it just made you even more mad, but of course he just wormed his way out of that too. "Excuse me?" someone asked, and we both turned to look at the waitress and a waiter who were staring at you two. You knew what was coming next, and Yongguk frowned as he realised what was coming next as well.

"Are you (Y/N)?" The waiter asked, and you blinked in surprise as Yongguk looked at you in surprise. "Uh, y-yes, I am." you answered, glancing at your boyfriend. "I thought I recognized you! Wow, its so great to meet you, my friends are gonna freak! Can I have a quick picture please?" The waiter asked. "May I have a picture as well? You too, Yongguk?" the waitress pleaded. We glanced at each other and smiled, flashing a grin. "Sure!" we said at the same time.

Yongguk was popular enough belonging to B.A.P, but you were caught off guard when the waiter recognized you. You were a composer in TS that had worked on several of B.A.P's songs, and had collaborated with Yongguk sometimes in his songs as some back-up vocals. TS sometimes put you in their music videos as the mysterious girlfriend but that was about it. You only had a small account that you put personal songs on, but you never thought you would actually have a fanbase. The day just kept getting better and better for you.

You stood up and stood next to the waiter, your cheeks widening in a bright smile for the picture. The waitress was next with you, and you put up a peace sign next, winking over at Yongguk who chuckled lightly. "Thank you so much!" They said after taking their picture with Yongguk and they bowed as they walked away. "Jagiya, you're glowing." Yongguk joked, poking you're still smiling cheeks. "I can't help it. They recognized me!" You said happily. He smiled at you proudly and shook his head.

You finished your food and bid goodbye to the waiters, going outside to the chilly spring air. Yongguk grabbed your hand and led you back into the car, opening the door for you and leading you inside. He jogged to the drivers side and got in, turning the car on. "Where to next?" You asked, rubbing your hands together to try to warm them. "We are going to go to an amusement park." He said with a grin. You raised your eyebrow. "A place so public? Isn't that bad?" You asked worridely.

He shrugged. "I just want a date with my girlfriend, is that too much to ask? If it worries you, I'll invite the members." He said with a smile. You brightened at the thought of seeing the boys again, so you nodded.
"(Y/N!)" Daehyun screamed, running over to hug you. You laughed and hugged him tightly, pulling back to tug at his cheek. "Hi Daehyun, it's good to see you!" You squealed. Zelo towered over you in a hug from behind, putting his chin on top you head. "You're as short as ever~" he cooed, and you swatted at him. Yongguk greeted Himchan with a high-five, grinning at you and the boys as they piled onto you. "Alright, stop before you hurt her." He joked

Jongup had to peel a whining Youngjae off you as you giggled. Yongguk intertwined his fingers with yours. "Ready to go?" He asked. You nodded excitedly. "Let's have the best date ever."

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