they grow up so fast

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J.d's POV: it was August of 2021 it had been 15 years since my little girl Hailey was born. And through the years she's become more and more like me which is amazing and terrifying I just don't want her to make the same mistakes I did. Jakobia and Damian were coming over for the last barbecue they said they had a suprise for us. They had been traveling the world for the past 15 years. "Hey Dad?" "Yes Hailey?" "I found this trenchcoat in the attic can I where it for school?" I hadn't seen that thing in forever I stopped wearing it after jakobia turned 3 and to think it would be hailey who would wear it next. "Yeah I guess so" I said. She looked at the trenchcoat and then at me "hey dad wasn't this yours back In the 80s?" "Yes it was honey" I still can't believe that she's turned out to be just like me and this would only add to that. A few hours later jakobia and Damian arrived they looked happier than ever. "Alright everyone gather around jakobia has something she'd like to tell us." Veronica said. "Thank you mom so as you know Damian and I have been married for 15 years now well we're proud to announce that they're will be a little one joining us very soon... I'm pregnant!!!" Jakobia said. I jumped with joy as did veronica. Hailey showed no emotion but she was probably just tired. "Hailey come on Time to get ready for bed" "yes mom" veronica went into hailey's room and then saw it... the trenchcoat "Hailey where did you get this?" "The attic Dad said I could wear it to school" with that she freaked out. "JASON DEAN GET IN HERE PLEASE" I came running upstairs into hailey's room "what's wrong babe" "did you tell our daughter she could wear that to school?" "Yeah why?" Wth that she said goodnight to Hailey and I did too and then veronica pulled me out of the room and into our room.

Veronica's POV: "what the fuck are you thinking letting her wear that trenchcoat?" I looked at j.d. "oh come on ronnie there's no harm in it. it's a trenchcoat not a weapon or bomb" the moment he said bomb all those memories from that day in the boiler room came flooding back. "Look j.d I know she has been stressful lately but this is only adding fuel to the fire." He just looked at me tears streaming down his face "ronnie please just let her have it I mean I've wanted to give it to her for a long time she has my personality this is the finishing touch to that. With this I held him tightly and gave in "fine but hopefully she won't make our mistakes." He looked at me and kissed me passionately "she won't baby I'll make sure of it." With this we all went to sleep. Hailey is j.d's twin they've always been close I just hope she doesn't make our mistakes.

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