an unexpected visitor

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Haileys POV: it was the morning after the little spicy session between A.J and I, my legs were sore but it felt so good. A.J is still sleeping so I decide to go downstairs and make us breakfast. After I finished making breakfast I placed the two plates into a tray and took it upstairs to our bedroom and woke A.J up.

"A.J, sweetheart it's time to get up. I made breakfast" I cooed.

A.J groaned a little but got up. His hair was messy but he still looked so adorable. I kissed his cheek and handed him his plate of food.

"Thank you baby. But you didn't have to cook. You should've woken me up if you were hungry" A.J said.

I rolled my eyes at him. He should realize I don't need him to cook for me just because I'm pregnant. I can do shit on my own.

"A.J, while I love that you want to dote on me and do everything, I can do shit for myself too. I'm not useless and won't be useless " I said firmly.

A.J looked and smiled at me.

"I know you can do stuff for yourself kitten, I just want to help you. You aren't useless either. Carrying our baby is more than enough work for you to do." A.J said lovingly.

Time skip...

It was now 12pm and A.J and I were sitting on the couch after we ate our breakfast. Suddenly, I got a phone call from someone I didn't have saved on my phone.

Hailey: hello?

Unknown caller: hi sweetheart, it's auntie Heather

Hailey: umm... I have two auntie heathers. You gotta be more specific.

Unknown caller: this is Heather Duke sweetheart.

Hailey: AUNT HEATHER. OMG how have you been.

Heather D: I'm good darling how are you and Jesse James Jr. Doin?

after a while Heather finally told me the reason she called was to announce that she was coming over.

Shit. We gotta get dressed.

A.J and I got dressed and even made a pot of coffee.

"so Hailey, I see you're expecting" Heather D said in a snobbish tone.

A.J looked a little annoyed at the tone of voice Heather had when saying that.

"yes, I am. 6 months along in fact." I said happily.

A.J looked at me and smiled as I said that. he then came closer to me and cradled my baby bump.

"oh, I see teen pregnancy and promiscuity run in the family, your mother was 17 when Jakobia was born. luckily her and my damian waited to have a child. 15 years while, not the ideal time I'd have waited but still, they're married." Heather D bragged.

A.J now looked ready to blow. he was angry.

"Listen Mrs Duke, we don't need a lecture. we realize the situation is not ideal but, we love each other, and love this baby. Our little girl will grow up with both parents. I plan on marrying Hailey so, while our baby girl was concieved out of wedlock, she will have both parents together and happily in Love." A.J proclaimed.

Heather looked displeased and shocked that someone DARED to stand up to her. She was used to being the head bitch in charge after Heather Chandler kicked the bucket because of some drain cleaner.

"Well, Hailey you're really gonna let that... delinquent you call a boyfriend talk to me that way?" Heather asked still dumfounded.

I nodded and smiled. I'm proud of A.J.
I'm gonna stand by his decision to stand up for me. To fight for me.... And our baby girl.

"Of course. And he isn't a delinquent. He's a good man. He takes good care of me and our unborn baby girl. He works his ass off to provide and he even makes sure I still feel beautiful even at 6 months pregnant. I love this man with my whole life, heart and soul. So aunt Heather, if you have a problem with how I'm living my life then please see yourself out, I want no negativity near me or my daughter." I said powerfully.

A.J held my hand as I spoke. He then made sure I sat back down. He didn't want me on my feet for too long.

"Well, I can see that this is a house of sin. I am not spending my time here. But I wish nothing but love for you and your little sin baby. Not her fault her mom is a harlot who can't keep her legs closed for a Jesse James wannabe. Awww like mother like daughter. Your mother was the same way." Heather sneered.

I have had enough at this point. I lost my shit.

"listen here bitch, at least I grew up with love. At least I was raised by parents who actually wanted me. David was a product of a drunken night in a pasture right? Wowww, so who can't keep her legs closed now huh? Don't you dare bash my mother or me. You have no right. ESPECIALLY after what you put her and auntie Mac through. You're the same as heather Chandler. You both were two bitches who deserve to die. My dad was correct about that. Get the fuck out of my house and stay away from me, and my family " I shouted at her.

A.J held onto my waist so I was balanced.

Heather left slamming the door behind her.

"Easy hails. I got you. Don't stress yourself too much please baby" A.J said lovingly.

A.J then helped me to the bedroom. He then ran a nice warm bath.
He came and got me. We got to the bathroom and he undressed me and himself.
He then got in first and then gently eased me into the tub and sat me down between his legs.

A.J kissed my neck gently.

"You were amazing down there hails. I'm sorry she said those awful things. You know our baby isn't what she said right?" A.J said

I nodded. I know for a fact our baby is not a result of sin. Or that I am a harlot. This baby was conceived in an act of love and passion. Was it unplanned, sure. But I wouldn't have it any other way.

"I know A.J. And I sincerely apologize for what she said to you and how she spoke to you." I said

A.J shrugged his shoulders.

"Eh it's fine. Not the worst thing said to me. You keep forgetting my mother was pretty abusive and awful. Thank god she left and decided to make it permanent but left this house In my name." A.J said nonchalantly

After the bath, A.J got me some pajamas. Which because of the progressing pregnancy, is just one of his T-shirts and a pair of sweatpants. He then lead me to the bed.

We were laying down and cuddling now.

I almost immediately fell asleep as I laid in A.J's arms.

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