another rehearsal

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Hailey's POV: A.J and I were now rehearsing one last time before the musical which was a week away. We were practicing all of our songs from the musical. All of a sudden A.J took my hand in his and led me to his living room, "let's take a break for now" he then sat on the couch and pulled me onto him so I was sitting on his lap, we then began to make out. 2 hours had passed we had to get back to practicing.

Time ship...

A.J's POV : it was now midnight I must've fallen asleep while practicing I hope Hailey made it home I don't remember dropping her off. I wanted to get up but there was a weight on my body, I looked down and saw Hailey sleeping soundly with her arms wrapped around me I normally hate any type of affection because of my mother but with Hailey I feel different because I know she loves me, I kissed her forehead and wrapped my arms around her " I love you Hailey" I muttered hoping I didn't wake her.

Hailey's POV: "I love you Hailey" I hear A.J mutter. I love him too I always will.

The next day...

A.J's POV: it was 6:00 am and my alarm was going off  I tried to get up but then I felt something on my chest. That's when I realized  Hailey slept over. I seriously love this girl. "Hailey my love we have to get up we have school today." I said  while shaking her awake. She just groaned and snuggled closer and tighter to me. "Noo can't we just skip school today please" Hailey said in her sleepy voice that I loved so much.  "As much as I love that idea your parents would kill you and possibly even me I'll tell you what, after school we can go to 711 get a few things and have a movie night. Whatever movies you want to watch we will. sound good babe?" I said. "That sounds amazing." Hailey said. She then kissed me on the cheek and walked off to my bathroom. "Hey baby  can I borrow some of your clothes for today I don't want to wear the clothes I wore yesterday and slept in" Hailey said.  "Of course beautiful" I then ran to my dresser and pulled out some sweatpants, a white Tshirt and a black Hoodie. I then ran to the bathroom and handed her the clothes. "Thanks my love" Hailey said. "You're welcome babe" after Hailey and I were all dressed and ready for school. We head outside about to get on my motorcycle when hailey's phone starts ringing. " oh shit it's my dad" Hailey said. "Hello?" Hailey said. "HAILEY LILITH DEAN WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU LAST NIGHT??? YOUR MOTHER AND I WERE WORRIED SICK!" J.d shouted. "Calm down dad I accidentally fell asleep at A.J's house while we were rehearsing." It was silent for a moment but then "IM SORRY WHAT!!!!!????" j.d shouted again. "For the love of God Hailey next time just call ok, now get to school, I love you Hailey I just don't want you making the same mistakes your mother and I did" j.d said. "Ok dad I love you too. Also I'm staying over A.J's house again so we can continue rehearsing for the musical"  "ok baby thank you for telling me this time, come get some clothes after school then" j.d said. He then hung up and we were off to school. Once we pulled up to the school I noticed that Hailey was fast asleep still holding onto my waist. I then decided it would be best to wake her "Hailey sweetheart we're here darling" she woke up immediately "I'm so tired can we please just sleep" Hailey asked giving me her puppy dog eyes. "No darling we can't. If you want I can skip 3rd period and we can go to the library and cuddle" her eyes immediately lit up as soon as I said that. "YESSS" Hailey said enthusiastically. I was planning on meeting up with Hailey at her locker but I had to go to mine first but while there I overheard the 2 moronic football jocks talking about my girlfriend. "Yeah I think Hailey is such an easy fuck. I bet I could have her with the snap of my fingers" Timothy said.  "Too bad she's with that emo lookin kid" Carter said.  I'd had enough of listening to this and decided enough was enough. I popped out from where I was and hit both of them in the face as hard as I could. And then I walked away to go meet up with Hailey. 

Time skip...

Hailey's POV: it was now 2 PM and I was waiting for A.J so we could go get ready for our movie night. After 20 minutes A.J finally made his way over to me but he was badly injured and bleeding!!  " oh my God baby who did this to you??!!" He didn't reply, he just looked at me before looking away. "I-I'm sorry Hailey I had to do something.. I couldn't just stand there and listen to those 2 assholes talk about you like that" as soon as he said that I knew exactly who did this to my angel. "Those monsters. I swear I will get my revenge just wait and see." A.J didn't say anything and just drove us home. We had our movie night in peace and we actually got some good practice in for the musical. It was a day of hell but that's all gonna change. I'll teach those fuckers to never mess with  Hailey Lilith dean. 

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