great news?

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Hailey's POV: it has been a few weeks since A.J met my parents and I think things have calmed down. Things at school are going better for me because I've decided to join both chorus and the drama club and so has A.J, as it turns out he can sing too. He has an incredible voice!  "Good afternoon class and welcome to our first drama meeting." Mrs Allen said. I looked at everyone in the room, no one except for A.J and I looked excited. "Ok so our first play of the year is going to be a musical. Its called heathers the musical. Its slightly based on a true story that happened in 1988 in this very school." Mrs Allen said. I was now more intrigued than before. "You all will have a chance to audition the lead roles are J.d and veronica." Huh that's weird. Suddenly we're all pulled into separate groups depending on what part we were auditioning for. Of course A.J goes for j.d and I go for veronica. "Ok thank you everyone you all did so well. We'll announce the parts next week have a good afternoon everyone." Mrs Allen said. Gosh I hope I get veronica's part but only Time will tell.

Author's note: Hi guys sorry this is shorter but now we're progressing to where the story gets more fucked up. Love you all and thank you for all the support and patience. I'm sorry I'm slowly releasing the chapters but school is soul sucking sometimes. Love ya.- jdsimp123 🖤🖤

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