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A.J's POV:  It has been a few weeks since the family reunion happened.  Hailey still refuses to speak to Heather Duke.  J.D basically banished the bitch from all future events and said she wasn't part of this family if she thought she had the right to speak to Hailey the way she did.  Thank god J.D was in our corner.  He's someone you shouldn't be on bad terms with.

Hailey is now seven months pregnant.  The only problem we are currently facing is that we don't have names picked out for our little girl.  We haven't even discussed that yet.  It's something that needs to get done tho.    And soon!

Hailey was still sleeping even though it was now eleven AM.   I didn't have the heart to wake her. She's cute when she sleeps, she drools a bit and snores lightly.  It's adorable as fuck!

Two hours pass...

Finally my sleeping beauty is awake.  I quickly went to her and guided her down the stairs and to the couch.  I then sat next to her and rested my hand on her bump.

"Avery, you do realize I can walk my damn self down the stairs right?  I'm not made of glass or something." Hailey said.

I looked at the woman I loved with such admiration.  God I love her.

"I'm not saying you are made of glass. However, you are carrying precious cargo and over my dead body would I risk letting you fall down the stairs.  Not now when you're pregnant and not ever after that either.  I made a promise and vow to your folks that I'd keep you and our little girl safe.   That includes when our little girl is still in your womb".  I said sternly. 

Hailey glared at me but didn't object like she usually did.   I love this girl to death and I'm so happy that we're starting our family together.   Sure, it's a little earlier than I originally wanted but hey, who the hell plans a teen pregnancy... That shit just sorta happens sometimes.   But at least our little girl gets a good mama and a daddy who loves her so much already. 

"So darling, have you thought about any name suggestions for our little girl?" I asked. 

I was genuinely curious if she had thought of anything. 

"Actually I have.  I was thinking about it and, what about the name  Serena?   It sounds pretty doesn't it?" Hailey said with such a glimmer in her eyes.

I don't like the name that much.  It doesn't click with me but I don't have the heart to tell Hailey that bluntly.   It would crush her right now especially with her hormones the way they are right now.

"Um... I don't know if that is the right name for our little princess." I said.

A week later...

It was now 8PM and Hailey and I were on the couch flipping through Netflix for something to watch.  There wasn't much on.  Hailey eventually typed in historical dramas.   She loved watching the crown even though we've already seen all the seasons currently available. 

"Ooh ooh, what about the name... Elizabeth, after queen Elizabeth the II, it's pretty regal considering it's the name of a queen.   What do you think?" Hailey asked optimistically

I don't hate it but I don't love it at the same time.   This is so hard.   Why is naming a baby so fucking hard.  This is a name they're stuck with for life. It could either be the best thing ever heard OR you fuck up their entire life even before they're out into the world.  

I shook my head at Hailey and she eventually agreed with me.   She also exited out of Netflix and switched to Hulu.  She put on American horror story's first season "murder house".   This was one of her comfort shows.

"Ooh! What about the name Violet?" Hailey asked.

I actually like this name a lot.  I think we have a winner!

"I love it darling." I said and kissed her cheek.

She smiled and rested her head on my shoulder.

"Can her full name be violet, Penelope, Jones?" Hailey asked.  

I liked that for her.

I nodded at her and smiled lovingly.

"Yes it can darling.  Now rest please. It's been a long day and I can see that you're getting sleepy" I said just above a whisper.  

We finally have a name for our baby girl! 

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