it's A...

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A.J's POV:  Hailey was now 4 months pregnant.  She's been moody and as much as I know it isn't her fault and its just the hormones going crazy in her body,  she yelled at me and then started crying because I stopped cuddling with her.   She keeps having nightmares though.  I don't know how to help her.  But, I do my damn best to help how I can.  Which includes but is not limited to: cuddling her.   Whispering sweet nothings into her ears.   Holding her tight.     Etc.     Hailey is my world.   Her and this baby are my everything.   Speaking of the little one , we get to find out the gender  of the little bundle today.   The appointment is at noon.  I think it's a girl, and Hailey thinks it's a boy.    I know I'm gonna be right.   Hailey's parents have been helpful as well.  And so supportive.  Her dad even shows me some sort of feeling.  I don't know if I'd necessarily say he likes me, that seems like a stretch but I know for a fact he doesn't want to kill me so that's a good thing I guess.   My mom has basically disappeared since the night she slapped me at the musical.  

Time skip: 

Hailey's POV:  in just 15 minutes A.J and I will get to find out if we're having a little boy or a little girl.  I'm fine with either but have a strong gut feeling it's a boy where as A.J thinks it's a girl.   We'll see who's right in less than 15 minutes.  

"Hey baby, how are you feeling?" A.J asked concerned but loving

"I'm ok.  Both baby and I are fine." I said.

A.J then wrapped his arms around me resting his hands on my barely there baby bump.  I leaned myself against him.   He kissed my cheek.   He then led me to the couch and sat down with me now basically sitting on his lap.

"You needed to get off your feet.  Standing for too long is putting too much strain on your body.  You're carrying our child for God sake.  I promised your dad I'd take care of you two and that I was capable of that.  If he thinks I'm letting you do everything on your own and stuff like that he'd kill me."  A.J said sternly but lovingly.

I rolled my eyes at this. He's been like this since we found out I was pregnant.   He acts as if I'm made of glass or something.   I'm not made of glass or even that fragile.  I am not going to be completely useless just because I'm pregnant.  I am still capable of taking care of myself and him. 

"A.J,  I'm fine.   Please stop worrying about me so much.   Just because I'm pregnant does not mean I'm completely useless.  I'm not made of glass or whatever.   And my dad would never actually kill you."  I said.

A.J looked at me but didn't say anything.   I guess I win this little argument for now.  

Time skip:

A.J's POV:  Hailey and I are at the doctor's office now and in a room waiting for the ultrasound to be done.  This is the moment we get to find out if we're having a boy or a girl.   I don't care about the gender that much.  I just hope the baby is healthy.   

About 5 minutes later ...

The doctor finally enters and the ultrasound finally takes place. 

"Well, looks like everything is in order.  Baby looks healthy.  So do you Hailey.   Would you two like to know the sex of your baby?" The doctor said.

Hailey and I both looked at each other for a moment then nodded.   The doctor looked at us both then smiled.  She obviously sees parents to be as exciting but clueless as us all the time.  She was the best doctor that my insurance would cover.   Only the best for my Hailey and our baby. 

"Well congratulations,     it's a beautiful baby girl." The doctor said. 

Hailey looked at me with a death glare.     I was correct.   I called it.   we're having a little girl.  I'm over the moon.  I honestly hope our little girl is like Hailey. I think the idea of a mini Hailey running around wreaking havoc on our house is adorable. 

"I CALLED IT."  I practically screamed.

Hailey didn't say shit.  She just nodded and glared at me.   But eventually started to giggle.  She punched my arm playfully then pulled me in for a kiss.  I happily kissed back.         We left after a moment of kissing passionately.   Now we have to tell her parents and our friends about the fact that we're having little girl!!!      Oh no.    WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE GONNA NAME HER??   

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