shit hits the fan

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J.d's POV: it had been a few days since the musical and Hailey still hasn't come home. Shes always with her boyfriend now. I have to tell her and Jakobia about what happened in 1988. Oh they're going to hate me after that.

Hailey's POV: it was a Sunday and I was at A.J's house cuddling with him on the couch. My phone started ringing. "Hello?" I said. "Hailey, honey you need to come home now! We have to talk." My dad said. I groaned in annoyance. "A.J honey can you give me a ride home? My dad wants to talk to me about something" I said. "Yeah sure babe" A.J said. As soon as I was dropped off he kissed me passionately and then waited for me to eneter my house before leaving. As I entered the house I saw my mom and dad sitting on the couch waiting for me. Jakobia was there as well. "Hailey honey we have something to tell you and jakobia" my dad said. "Um you're not having another baby are you?" I asked. "Oh god honey no! Its much worse than that" my mom said while laughing. "Well what Is it?" Jakobia said. "Well um its about the musical your sister just preformed in." My dad said. I immediately got nervous for what he was about to say. "What about it?" I asked. "Well you see, that musical is about your mother and I. We did some... awful shit in 1988. Your mother was part of a group known as the heathers. They were a group of girls who all had the same name. They were very popular. Your mother was new to that group." My dad paused for a second.

Jd pauses.....

"Well after a kinky game of croquet we decided to give the head bitch in charge, Heather Chandler a 'hangover cure'  which was just a cup of drain cleaner.  The bitch actually drank it. I didn't think she'd actually drink anything from me. Well anyways we had to cover up the murder. Your mother could forge anyone's handwriting so she wrote a suicide note in Heather's Handwriting. Everything was fine until the night of her funeral. Those 2 douches kurt and Ram had to try and take what's mine. They tried to have sex with her but luckily they were both too drunk to even walk straight let alone try anything on her. But still this all happened because of heather macnamara.  She had a date with ram and wanted to double with your mother.  After I found out about this I was pissed and wanted revenge. So I kind of lied to your mother. I asked if she took German to which she replied she took French.  So I told her the bullets we were loading into my guns were iche luge bullets. Which was german for I'm lying.  She felt bad after it was done.  But me oh I wanted them dead for trying to hurt what was mine.  And I'll admit I kind of went a little bonkers with the killings.  I tried to convince your mother to blow up the school with me. Because all those assholes were the key. They were keeping her away from me.  But she stopped me by shooting me in the middle finger and in the side.  Then when I tried to blow myself up afterwards she stopped me.  Then a week later she found out she was pregnant with Jakobia.  And we decided to stay together for her sake.  Which ended up being the best decision ever because now we have the best 2 daughters any parent could ever ask for.  Of course as soon as I found out your mother was pregnant she asked if I'd go to therapy and get the help I needed.  I was hesitant at first but eventually agreed just so that she and the baby would be safe.  Then after jakobia was born we went to college. She became a lawyer and now shes the best lawyer on her team. Then I became a child psychologist because I wanted to help kids like me. Of course I regret what happened in the 80s because I should have listened to your mother and talked about all of this with her instead of just going crazy and scaring and hurting her.  I didn't want anyone to hurt her yet it was me who hurt her the most yet she still stayed with me and loved me.  I'll be forever grateful for that."

Hailey's POV: after my dad was done talking I was speechless.  jakobia looked at me and I looked at her.  I was pissed off now. Why would they keep this from us? "Wow dad I never would've guessed that you were capable of something so awful. But it was a long time ago. Luckily you changed" jakobia said.  I just looked at her for a moment.   "What you did was fucking awesome dad!" I shouted. 
"Hailey Lilith Dean! No!!" My mother shouted at me.  I gave her a dirty look. 

"Ok Hailey go get ready for bed please." My mother said.  I stomped up the stairs and slammed my door.

One new message:

A.J❤: hey baby girl I'm just saying good night now. I love you babe.

Hailey🖤: hey babe. Good night I love you too.

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