On Our Way To Inuzuma

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[A/N: As promised you're getting a sequel everyone. This chapter they aren't quite at Inuzuma yet but they are pretty darn close(few days away at least). This chapter's pretty chill honestly but it was still fun to write. I hope you enjoy as we see ChiLumi tackle Inuzuma's war going on. But for this one it be chill and maybe snuggly warmth. Oh I put a video that I suggest listening to while you read this chapter. It helps set the mood.]


The weather wasn't exactly making the trip easy on Lumine. She was not used to riding on a boat like this after all. Flying, gliding, swimming, and climbing she was used to doing. Plop her on a boat while a storm made the waters all choppy? Forget it! Paimon not far away in a hammock was green and very sea sick. She naturally had a stronger stomach but...even she was feeling unwell. Didn't help matter for the blonde as lightning flashed and thunder shook the skies with a resounding boom.

The cabin here below deck that had been her home the last few weeks was small and lightly furnished. With only a lone oil lamp handing from the ceiling to provide some much needed light. Books she had brought with her from Liyue had slid and fallen off the near by small pine table. Not far away was a small desk and chair with candle holders and just inches above were the port holes that revealed the choppy seas. Towards the stairs were some trunks and barrels of supplies and goods. Over against the wall was the simple bed. It wasn't the most comfortable but it wasn't bad either. 

"Ugh...make it stop..."came a pitiful whine from Paimon's hammock. 

"Sorry Paimon, I know it's hard but Beidou did warn us the closer we got to Inuzuma the worse the weather would get."sighed Lumine. She felt bad for her glutton of a fairy companion. 

As she looked over at hearing the creak of the door and steps she spotted a familiar face that made her smile as he entered. Ajax's hair was soaked through as he tossed his uniform's coat aside onto the chair. "Yeash it's raining buckets out there."he huffed setting the lantern onto the desk. 

"Well duh, we're days away from Inuzuma. Man, the Electro Archon doesn't want anybody near her nation does she?"sighed Lumine only to squeak in fright at the crash of thunder. Resulting in the poor girl to practically jump out of her skin as she hid under the blanket.

"Ojou-chan are you scared of thunder?"he asked sitting down by the blonde as another crash of thunder made her whimper. "Hey it's just a storm, I won't let anything happen to you."he soothed scooping her blanket and all into his lap. From what he knew not much could scare Lumine. But the stuff that did he learned fast had a very strong reaction from her. A reaction he didn't like to see as he held her close, resting his chin on top of her head.

"I've never been good with thunderstorms nor small spaces. Brings up bad memories...."she whispered. Yes they brought up memories she didn't like to see surface from when she was younger. But her fear of dark, tight spaces was a very recent fear. One the product of being sealed away all alone in slumber for five hundred years. But some how having Childe here holding her close like this as he scooted them backwards until his back hit the wall seemed to help. His firm but strong arms not letting her go as they just sat here with only the sound of the creaking ship and the stormy sea to welcome them.

"Just the thunder? Lightning doesn't frighten you?"he asked trying to to keep her distracted.

"Lightning can seriously hurt you, so yes it can some times scare me...but it's the loud noise from thunder that bothers me. It brings me back to the chaos 500 years ago when Aether and I tried to flee."she admitted nervously.

Childe's eyes grew wide at hearing this before softening. His grip around her tightened protectively as he took his mask off his head and put it on top of her's. Earning a look of curiosity up at him. Of course she was still holding the trauma of being sealed away! How stupid or dense had been to not notice since they set sail together? Very little was known about the lost continent but what little he learned had been with Lumine that one day. "You can hold onto my mask until we reach shore. Deal?"he chuckled with a playful grin. "But in exchange I get my snuggles~!"

Lumine giggled at his mischievous grin, her cheek turning red at what he might be implying as her mind ran wind. "And if I tried to escape? What would you do?"

"I'd catch you and keep you from escaping."he purred into her ear before swiftly flipping her onto the bed and pinned her wrists. While he kept himself propped up with his other as he leaned into her kissing Lumine eagerly. Oh he could never get enough and neither could she as she eagerly returned the affection. No, not since they both weeks ago had come to terms for their feelings for each other. So while he was rough it wasn't painful as they parted and he let go of her wrists, content to snuggle up to her. Humming softly as he kept her close as she enjoyed the safety and warmth of his arms. "If you're tired, Ojou-chan it's ok."he whispered, gently stroking her arm as she nuzzled into shoulder. 

"Warm..."came a sleepy reply as she drifted off.

He wasn't surprised she was exhausted given the hour of night it was. But Ajax couldn't help but worry for what Inuzuma held. He had heard a lot of what was going on and how ruthless the shogun was enforcing her laws. What's more Scaramouche had been heading there weeks ago after the meteor shower to oversee some sort of project he had going. All in all it meant he'd need to keep close to his beloved girl that slumbered soundly, blissfully unaware what this next adventure would hold. Yes he would not let anyone so much harm a hair on her head.

To Be Continued...

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