Against The Divine Pt.I

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[A/N: Hurry, hurry go save Thoma ChiLumi!! Don't let him fall to a fate worse then death by loosing his vision!! Also please enjoy the epic music of Lady Shogun herself.]


This was no ceremony.

The skies where dark and hanged ominously grey and black with storm clouds today over the city. They had arrived at the teahouse to find Ayaka frantic with worry at Thoma having been missing all day. The fixer had been out late handling some matters but had never returned to the clan's estate. Lumine and Childe's blood ran cold at realizing something horrible as they stormed out of the teahouse as if Boreas was hot on their heels. To the point at least one of them had almost tripped and stumbled. 

"We gotta hurry!"called Paimon.

"We know!"they screamed in unison. 

"Like hell I'm letting Thoma suffer the same fate as the 99 other victims of this damn decree!"snarled Lumine. 

Childe smirked as he summoned his bow while she had reached out into her celestial storage to grab out her beloved sword. He wasn't exactly fond of Thoma but he didn't hate the man that his beloved traveler had become good friends with. Thoma was alright, actually he was kinda growing on him after their lil' eating contest. The way Thoma cared for, teased, and joked with was like looking in a mirror.

A huge crowd had gathered around the square where the statue of the omnipresent god was. At the base with his hands bound tight behind his back and on his knees was Thoma. He was covered in cuts and bruises from having resisted but failed to escape. He honestly looked crestfallen and frustrated as the two guards that stood at attention on either side of him as thunder and lightning crashed from the promising storm overhead as he looked up.

Childe looked to Lumine as she nodded and smirked, "Time to crash this party we weren't invited to."

"Heck yes!"he cheered before jumping into the guards letting loose a barrage of his water arrows while Lumine was jumping in afterwards to deliver on heck of a nasty shock to the soaking wet samurai and guards. The crowd gasped as Lumine with a speed of an electro seelie appeared jumping in the air around the same time the shogun herself appeared and with some kind of power had taken his pyro vision. However Lumine was far faster and snatched Thoma's vision in the midst of her jump just as Childe had knocked away the guards around Thoma like swatted flies. 

"Tartaglia-san, Lumine-san!!"called Thoma in surprise and delight.

The woman standing before them was robed in a short purple and indigo battle kimono. Her long dark ombre purple hair was done up in a neat braid that fell past her waist line. Her legs had long navy blue leggings that stopped part way on her upper thighs. Her face was stoic giving very little expression. However the sudden sight of Lumine and Childe had brought mild surprise to her features as she watched Lumine let loose a blast of her lightning blades on some guards to cover Childe as he worked to free Thoma. However, a jolt of electro at them from the shogun prevented this. This woman in the shogun's eyes was an abnormal existence that shouldn't be possible. This outlander with the odd appearance could use elemental energy yet there was no Vision to be found.

...Of all the gods I have met here in Tevyet...

Slowly using her electro the shogun walked down on the air itself or rather the electric current in the atmosphere from the storm overhead. Her voice cold and void of emotion as she approached Lumine who stared in defiant fright between her and Thoma as she clutched the pyro vision protectively. Childe was shaking in excitement as the sight of the Electro Archon sent chills up his spine. This was no slouch or pushover this was the real deal. The atmosphere was literally crackling with the shogun's power itself! But it made Childe do something he was not expecting...he stepped in between the archon and Lumine.

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