Fate Worse Then Death

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[A/N: Lumine and Childe meet Lady Ayaka here. But ChiLumi are about to learn what befalls those that have their Visions taken against their will. Now if you've read the manga/comic you know Diluc gave up his Vision willingly but only temporarily. So he wasn't effected the way people in Inuzuma were. My experience from the story is loosing your Vision is akin to loosing a piece of what makes you who you are. As such its a fate worse then death for so many.]


After Lumine had finally gotten over her headache the small group with Thoma as their guide left the city behind them. Lumine was glad for it cause after that horrible experience from touching that statue she wasn't too keen to stay there. She had noticed though that since their arrival on Narukami Island that Ajax seemed lost in thought. Like something was troubling him even. "What is troubling you, Ajax?"she thought looking up at the ginger haired archer in concern. However the blonde opted to not pry in case it was something he wanted to figure out on his own. 

Along the way they passed through a forest full of glowing bioluminescent plants. It had been beyond breath taking and even Childe had been impressed at the splendor. The way Lumine's expression lit up at the sight though made him smile, unable to resist teasing her before stealing yet another kiss from her. Making the blonde right done flustered by the time they did reach the Kamisato Estate.  The estate was no Jade Chamber, but again what was? It paled in comparison. But it held its own charms with its koi pond, finely trimmed bonsai trees, and delicately maintained rock gardens. 

It seemed to be cultural trend for Inuzuma and its noble clans as a whole. It made her wonder what the other nations liked for decorating their towns, cities, and homes. Liyue had a love for hues of red, gold, black, white, and greys. Mondstandt had a more earth tones mixed with darker ones. Inuzuma seemed to like a similar scheme as Liyue but leaned more towards darker colors and violet hues. Was it because they held a high influence from whom their archon was? she was not sure.

Thoma was swift to welcome them and Paimon being well, Paimon was wondering where this Miss Kamisato was. That is until the sound of a young woman clearing their throat caught all three of their attentions. "Ahem."

"So she's behind the screen then."mused Childe.

"Well that's different."Lumine noted as she looked towards the floral patterned indigo colored folding screen. 

"Yes, it's actually pretty standard custom here in Inuzuma. As Lady Ayaka is the daughter of the Yashiro Commission she's accustomed to receiving guest this way."Thoma explained.

"Please forgive me for the lack of courtesy you're more accustomed to Traveler-san and Harbinger-sama in receiving you in this fashion...especially after such a long tiresome journey to reach Inuzuma."greeted Ayaka. The lantern light casting a faint shadow of her figure for them to see. From what they could make out from her shadow alone she seemed to be about Lumine's height if she were to stand up this second. With a long straight high ponytail with string knots and a thin ribbon in her hair. Her voice carried the Inuzuma accent but was smooth and soft like fallen snow. "I have long awaited your arrival, Traveler-san with great anticipation. My dear friend, Thoma-kun has assured me you indeed bare the power to change the tides of the times."

"It's not a problem, Lady Ayaka. Each nation has their customs and traditions they stand by."assured Lumine.

"Eh don't bother me too much either."Childe dismissed looking just a bit bored.

Ayaka smiled from where she sat behind the screen. This 11th Harbinger was as the rumors said: a relatively cheerful and free spirit. The resemblance to her dear Thoma was uncanny actually. Then there was the traveler that was growing in fame as the one that fought two of Mondstandt's Four Winds, held favor with Liyue's Adepti, defeated said 11th harbinger that was with her, and took on and helped defeat Osial. She had expected this tall and imposing figure but instead was this young girl no taller then she was if not an inch or two smaller with a bright and good nature. She went on to explain to her guests about the Vision Hunt Decree's effects on Inuzuma's citizens and how to a small degree the Yashiro Commission worked as a whole. 

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